Des fossiles d'insectes datant du Miocène ont été trouvés près de la ville de Gulgong, en Australie. © Salty Dingo 2020 038A7561

The discovery of exceptional fossils in Australia shed light on past ecosystems

Most fossils come from vertebrates. The recent discovery of plants, insects and fragile tissue fossils in Australia is exceptional and allows to understand the biological relationships in past ecosystems.

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The Ancient researchers Specifically try to understand how Ecosystems Missing now. Australian researchers are particularly at workAustralian Museum, University of New South Wales and University of Canberra, a Fossil deposit Providing exceptional samples. Analysis of these Fossils Published in the newspaper Scientific advances.

The fossils were found in New South Wales near the city of Gulkong Australia. The site is referred to as “Lagerstätte”, which applies to sites with sample quality. Fossils Exceptional. Hard tissues (bones and Email Especially) which are actually very resistant to bad weather, for example explaining why it is rare to find fossils of plants and insects.

This site is called “Lagerstätte”, which applies to sites with exceptional quality of fossil specimens.

In this context, one can understand the enthusiasm of Dr. McCurry, one of the authors of the study, “he said. Many fossils [qui ont été trouvés, ndlr] Includes unscientific and burying tarantulas, giant chicads, wasps and various fish. “. The chronology of the fossils dates back to 11 to 16 million years ago in the Miocene.

It was during this period that an event of drought took place Australia Created growth Money Current adaptation Droughts Peak. So the models discovered by the team of researchers were imaged around this important climate change event. The shape of the fossil axes of the leaves suggests that they grew in a humid forest.

Interactions between organisms are still known

Among plants, the authors describe microfossils of spores Pollen And coniferous leaves. From Footprints of fossil leaves d ‘Angiosperms (Flowers), flowers, fruits and seeds also come from this fossil deposit. In the middle Wildlife, The authors list the fossils Nematodes, From Larvae Trichoptera and Dragonflies, Moths and Capricorns.

They also identified the presence of cicadas and wasps Parasites, From Ants And d ‘Spiders mygalomorphes.

The Australian site also provided fish fossilsMay be sparrow-sized bird. In the presence of Melanosomes At feather level it indicates that it was dark and contrasting.

The exceptional protection of the specimens allows us to see some of the biological interactions in this past ecosystem. The contents of a fish’s stomach show that it feeds on saporide (similar to this) Mosquitoes), A mollusk larva was on a fish paddle, and a nematode was attached to the body of the Capricorn. Since there is a certain type of pollen on the head of a tree, it is possible to know which species is pollinating at last.

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