NASA discovers a strange planet, only 16 hours a year from here, this planet is far away

NASA discovers a strange planet, only 16 hours a year from here, this planet is far away

Florida Recently, a mission led by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) discovered a strange planet that only exists 16 hours a year. Astronomers have named this planet TOI-2109b. Astronomers have so far discovered more than 4000 planets outside the Solar System. Many of these planets orbit the sun just like the earth. Although these planets are thousands of light years away from Earth.

Planet TOI-2109b is full of gas

The new planet discovered by astronomers is a gas planet, also known as ‘Hot Jupiter’. Astronomers have not yet discovered such a planet. Astronomers have discovered many hotter Jupiters in the last few years. In fact these planets are similar to Jupiter found in our solar system. The specialty of the hot Jupiter planets is that they orbit the Sun within 10 days.

Do you know why TOI-2109b Ultra Hot Jupiter?

As the hottest Jupiter orbits their Sun within 10 days, TOI-2109b is far ahead in this regard, hence the name TOI-2109b Ultra Hot Jupiter because the planet’s surface temperature is 3300 degrees Celsius and orbits its Sun. In just 16 hours. Planet OI-2109b is as hot as the temperature of a small star.

TOI-2109b is the second hottest planet ever discovered

TOI-2109b is the second hottest planet ever discovered. The TOI-2109b, orbiting the star in just 16 hours, was discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). A report on this finding was recently published in the journal Astronomy. Ian Wong, the lead author of the discovery, says that in a year or two he could provide information on how the planet moves closer to its star. However, Wong has made it clear that we will never see a collision with our star in our lifetime.

Source: Balbalindia
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