Des passants dans les rues d’Eindhoven (Pays-Bas), le 12 novembre 2021, alors que le premier ministre néerlandais a annoncé de nouvelles restrictions touchant les bars, restaurants et commerces pour lutter contre le regain de l'épidémie de Covid19 aux Pays-Bas, avec l'arrivée de l'hiver.

Why Eastern and Northern Europe is most affected by the epidemic renaissance

Decryption – In ten countries the situation is considered “very worrying”. Those in the west and south, including France, are still preserved at this time. Many factors come into play.

The Covid 19 epidemic continues to grow in the EU, and it is considered “Very annoying” Ten of its member countries, according to the European Disease Agency. “The epidemiological situation in the EU is currently characterized by an increase in rapid and significant cases and a low but slow increasing mortality rate.”On Friday, November 12, the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) summarizes its final risk assessment. “The number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all expected to increase in the next two weeks.”, The company in Stockholm also warns.

Of the 27 countries, Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Slovenia are of concern – “Very annoying”. Other countries are classified in the classification “Trouble”: Germany, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland,

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