Almost a year after its founder announced, the instant messaging app adds the option to advertise on channels for a fee. But these are not ads that you are accustomed to through Facebook or Google
In December last year, Telegram founder Pavel Dorov called for the economy to continue. Its platform will add premium features like ads And paid sticker bags – now it happens. Telegram opens its advertising platform to individuals and companies, and how it works.
Not ads you know from elsewhere
Telegram’s new advertising site (Telegram Advertising Platform) is now available to anyone who wants to get started with instant messaging apps and reach new audiences – it has 500 million active users on a monthly basis and its users generate about half a trillion of content a month. Those channels.
The new site will allow those who wish to advertise on Telegram to reach multiple Telegram users on public channels with more than 1,000 users and will not operate in public or private groups. Telegram’s system gives advertisers the ability to target what kind of channels they want to target and the languages of their preferred channels. Additionally, advertisers can choose specific channels to target and they do not want their ad to run on any channels or topics.
With the announcement of the inclusion of ads on the platform, Telegram reiterates what Dorov said: The company only allows ads based on channel types and languages and does not allow direct targeting of users because it does not plan to collect user information. Ads. Reads Telegram’s advertising site page that reads, “Users’ information is not collected or analyzed for advertising, and every user on a particular telegram channel sees the same sponsored message”, which has chosen to give the ads a labeled name “sponsored news”.
The Telegram also clarifies that it does not allow direct targeting, does not collect any information about the user or analyze its actions after clicking on it, and does not allow sending ads to external links. The reason, according to the Telegram, is to ensure that third-party companies cannot track users of the operating system: “Anan believes that everyone has the right to privacy, and that technology sites must respect that.”
As the operating system is still in its infancy, Telegram calls it “trial mode” and once it is fully operational – Telegram will begin to share the revenue of these ads with the owners of the channels that allow the ads. This section will take place only after the telegram “covers its basic expenses”.
Telegram aired a complete guide for an advertiser, which explains how to create an ad from scratch, the advertising budget and whether the advertisers have aired their ad, tested by Telegram staff or have no budget to pursue. Got the guide Here.
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