Opinion: All Americans really need to know about the Human Infrastructure Bill

Opinion: All Americans really need to know about the Human Infrastructure Bill

One of the criticisms we often hear about the democratic handling of the human infrastructure bill that they are negotiating among themselves is that no one knows what is in it. Democrats didn’t do a good job, the story goes on to sell the bill and explain its details and the impact it has on the daily lives of Americans.

This criticism is generally associated with the dangerous assumption that Biden’s presidency will collapse if Democrats do not pass a substantial bill.

Don’t get me wrong now. This prediction of Donald Trump or the Republicans coming to the presidency or the Republicans seizing a majority in any room of Congress is really confusing and terrifying.

But isn’t there a more effective perspective to nurture here?

The political power that the media presents is that if the Democrats somehow fail and give the American people a decisive decision on a substantial human infrastructure bill, the Americans will be tempted to vote for an alternative to the Republican Party, perhaps damaging the Democrats’ chances of not voting.

Now, again, don’t get me wrong. This scene can happen. If that happens, however, the distorted media structure of this legislative dynamic will undoubtedly play a key role in obscuring the public’s interest in their interests and what is really going on in Washington.

To explain what I mean, let’s start with some elements of the bill.

Well, it is true that it is difficult to know what is or will not be in the bill. For example, we hear that non-academic access to a community college is unlikely to be on the bill.

But when it comes to education policy, here’s what we know when evaluating the differences between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats are at least on their radar and understand the need and benefits of accessing post-secondary education for all. During the Trump administration, budget programs demanded massive cuts to Bell grants and other forms of student financial aid. Education Secretary Betsy Davos unanimously backed nonprofit educational institutions that swindled tens of thousands of dollars from individual Americans without a degree.

When it comes to funding preschool education for American children, Democrats are in favor of doing so, and the move is likely to be on the bill.

While Republicans say nothing about funding childcare or preschool education – well, no – even though we know that funding for childcare and preschool education is an investment that helps the economy, parents help work and train children who are healthy, intelligent, highly productive and independent adults.

If Democrats fail to pass this law because senators like Senators Joe Mancin and Kirsten Cinema (two Republican wolves disguised as Democratic sheep) are blocking it, will voters’ rational alternative to the Republican view of the last four years be achieved when it fails to point to a humanitarian law?

Or, is it fair to choose the more pro-progressive Democrats to face Manjin, the cinema and other Republicans?

The media doesn’t talk much about this latter alternative. The main focus was on whether or not the Democrats would win, and the Republicans failed for their poor administration, took their responsibility seriously to the Americans, and showed little concern for human life.

We know enough about the content of the bill.

We know that there will be measures to combat climate change. We do not know which activities will be funded, but we know that they will be better than what we are doing now and what the Republicans are offering, which is an insult to the environment.

We know there will be support for American children and their education, however we do not know exactly.

We know that family leave will be granted, but we do not know how much.

We know that these activities will be funded by certain taxes on the rich and businesses.

When companies make hundreds of billions in profits, often paying little or nothing in taxes, are there really many objections to such measures other than Republicans?

When Trump cut corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%, as usual, we were told that these tax cuts would work, which would create an economy and make us all richer.

These tax cuts have benefited the rich and have not fallen, despite Trump’s promise that companies will invest in workers and not cut jobs. Companies such as AT&T, Wells Fargo and General Motors campaigned on their behalf and promised to reinvest their tax savings in their workers and businesses for the benefit of the nation as a whole. Nevertheless, all of these companies were involved in major layoffs or plant closures. AT&T has cut more than 23,000 jobs since the tax cuts took effect, and is likely to collect an additional $ 3 billion a year in tax savings, despite a $ 21 billion drop in tax cuts. In November 2018, GM announced the closure of five factories, cutting 14,000 jobs in communities in Ohio, Maryland, Michigan and Ontario, Canada, and repurchasing $ 10 billion worth of shares, leaving the company with a net profit of $ 8 billion. Other automakers have cut thousands of jobs and saved billions of dollars. Wells Fargo increased the minimum wage for its employees, however, 47 times more than the cost of that wage increase for the corporate tax savings company; The company announced plans to cut 26,000 jobs in September 2018, while increasing health insurance costs for its employees.

We know what’s in the bill: it seeks to create an equal society that supports and maintains the health and well – being of Americans and our environment.

At least we know Democrats are trying to help Republicans not work against Americans.

This is the story our media has to tell.

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