The star in front of the scientists is glowing and glowing.  This phenomenon contradicts everything that humanity knows about the stars

The star in front of the scientists is glowing and glowing. This phenomenon contradicts everything that humanity knows about the stars

Astronomers observed an unprecedented event. The white dwarf, which is being monitored by NASA’s telescope, which was often used to monitor exoplanets, decided to close it. It would not be an extraordinary event if the destruction of a star did not happen in a short period of time and then did not light up again.

White dwarfs are the final state of most stars, after they have burned all the hydrogen that drives them. They are the size of the earth, but of mass comparable to our sun. This phenomenon raises questions because it does not apply to the current concept of understanding the universe, he reports Independent.

The white dwarf lost its luster in 30 minutes. In the past, registered surgery was performed over several days.

The brightness of the white dwarf is affected by the amount of material around it that feeds, so scientists say something interferes with its “food” distribution.

They hope the discovery will help them learn more about the physics behind the aggregation – objects such as black holes, white dwarfs and neutron stars feeding on objects from neighboring stars, in this case, he writes.

We are connected only with their observations and extraordinary events, which are currently indescribable to mankind. We too are bound by the time of the universe in which we now live.

One of the principles of the universe, We have already informed you, speaks of its origin, life and destruction. Of the five epochs of the universe, we live in the second, epoch of stars. Of course, this theory has many alternatives, and some scientists claim that we are already living in the sixth era.

Although the 5th epoch of the universe does not tell us about any sixth and the chronology of events is not entirely relevant to the time in which we now live, the Stelliferous epoch (second) begins in the sixth decade, and is referred to as the sixth epoch of the next theory of the universe Forbes.

Stelliphers era (era of stars)

In this era or in the age of the universe, the best is created, and every evening we can observe favorable conditions. All objects in the universe are made up of stars and galaxies.

The first stars were large, eventually exploding like supernovae, forming many more small stars. Due to gravity they merged into galaxies.

One theory of the Stellyferus era is that the big star burns its energy fast and then dies – usually in a few million years. The smaller the stars, the slower the energy consumption and the longer they will be active. After all, he says, we can label this era as infinite origin and irreversible destruction. CS Monitor.

Our sky will not last forever in its diversity. In 4 billion years, our Milky Way will collide with Andromeda. Scientists have also named the new galaxy Milkomeda. It is questionable whether our solar system will survive.

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