« Nous devons nous attaquer aux problèmes de long terme qui nous ont rendus vulnérables à ce genre de goulots d

Distribution problems will continue, the US Secretary of State warns

The global supply chain disruptions that have caused delays and raised prices in the United States are not expected to end at any time. However, U.S. Transport Secretary Pete Pattigick announced this on Sunday, warning that these problems would continue. Next year .

For now, the situation is worrisome, especially as Christmas approaches, with some experts predicting a massive shortage during the holidays. According to Pete Pattick, the situation is linked to a sharp increase in demand as the country’s economy reopens. ” The problem is, our ports handle too much [de marchandises] More than ever, record-sized products are arriving and our supply chain cannot continue “, He explained. Dozens of ships are parked outside the main ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach on the west coast, waiting for their cargo to die.

“These two ports account for 40% of our container traffic […] They are now running 24 hours a day. It is not an easy thing to do overnight, but it is a strong commitment. ”

Material shortage: US SMEs seek out other suppliers

Infrastructure project led by Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden made the announcement on October 13 Employees of US ports and major transportation and distribution companies now work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, beyond this short-term measure, the White House tenant evaluated This situation is evidence of the need to reconsider supply chains.

We no longer have to depend on a company, a country or a person in the world. Especially when these countries do not share our environmental or labor needs He had announced.

In such a situation, Pete Pattigick appealed for a permanent solution. ” We need to deal with long-term issues that can affect us for these types of issues , He insisted. ” This is why we need to implement the infrastructure plan From President Joe Biden, which includes funding for roads, bridges and public transport, but reduce congestion and emissions near ports and airports.

Five questions about Biden’s $ 3 trillion infrastructure project

This huge $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is relatively unanimous in Congress, but the Democrats refuse to accept it until it receives a massive social spending plan to discuss it. Conclusion: In early October, the legislature adjourned Its vote without setting a date for the resumption of the debate.