Londres et dublin s

London and Dublin on Twitter

William James and Philip Blenkinsap

LONDON / BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Governments in London and Dublin clashed on Twitter on Sunday following comments by British negotiator David Frost.

“The real question is: does the British government want to move the negotiating agreement forward or worsen relations,” Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coweny wrote on Twitter.

The question received an answer from David Frost, who dismissed the Irish foreign minister’s arguments that he did not want to start talks on Twitter, indicating that London had long been wary of the European role of justice in the process. .

David Frost released parts of a speech he will deliver next week on Saturday, in which he demands that monitoring compliance with Northern Irish protocol no longer be the responsibility of European justice.

For months, Boris Johnson’s government has called on the EU to reconsider the terms of the “Northern Irish Protocol”, which created a real customs border between Britain and Northern Ireland. Republic of Ireland, Member of the Social Federation.

Britain on Monday threatened to take unilateral action against the European Union under Article 16 of the Brexit agreement.

(Reporting by William James in London and Philip Blenkinsap in Brussels; French edition Nicholas Delem)