Four characteristics that Elon Musk is looking for when hiring new employees

Four characteristics that Elon Musk is looking for when hiring new employees

Elon Musk, one of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs at the time, explained what he was looking for when hiring high-level employees.

Tesla, Elon Musk’s company, is currently looking for experts to integrate with its staff. With the aim of recruiting candidates, “AI Day” was held a few days ago in which the founder of the company showed their progress in the field of artificial intelligence. Jason Atten, a technology and innovation expert writing for Event Inc. magazine, recalled a tweet in which Musk explains 4 traits he sees in his future employees, and writes a paragraph explaining each of them. Purposeful qualities.

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Even if one imagines that this question is work experience in the field of engineering and university degrees in this field or something similar, the principal was surprised to find a list of things that at first glance seem simple, but it is difficult to find.

Muskin’s request focuses on four characteristics related to human capabilities rather than technical characteristics. In particular, these are: “A tough hard work ethic, the ability to create things, common sense and credibility.” The reason for prioritizing these over technical knowledge is, according to Muskin, “we can train the rest.” In this sense, the owner of one of the most innovative companies in the world understands that people’s human qualities are a priority because they are not easily changed; In contrast to other things that can be learned.

Elon Musk’s tweet lists the qualities he seeks in his staff

A “super difficult” work protocol

Atten understands that at this point Kasturi needs people who are 100% dedicated to their work, who work diligently and deliver the expected results. By the way, Musk does not think that these people should be overworked or exploited, but that they should be willing to “dive right in and work for the full purpose of the company.” The size and position of SpaceX – or any company managed by Elon Musk – is expected to require a high level of commitment and effort from its employees.

Ability to create objects

Musk actually refers to the ability to make products because at the time he was looking for people to work on the production line for his rockets, Aden did not believe that “this quality was limited to manual assembly”. Understand that with the ability to create projects, you can often start fresh and achieve the goals of the company. As an entrepreneur, creating products is one of your most important activities. Just because you’re surrounded by others with similar abilities means you can multiply your efforts, “Atten wrote.

Launches Falcon Heavy from Space X.

general knowledge

While it may seem very logical to say that it is necessary to hire people with general knowledge, “the problem is that this is generally a shortage and very difficult to teach. Unfortunately, one could argue that general knowledge is not very general,” Atten said. The important thing, therefore, is to be able to hand over the work safely.The technician says it in the following words: “As a manager, you believe that even if you do not, your team will make good decisions.


This last aspect refers to the fact that it is important to prioritize a person’s educational qualifications, because, according to Hatton, “good character is probably the most important qualification”. “It’s wrong to hire an untrustworthy person because you have a credible degree or experience. Even if you have a lot of work to do, it always pays more when you have to fix the problems they cause,” Atten added. Agrees with Musk that it can not be a good connection.

Notice the end of Muskin’s phrase “we can train others”. In this way, the entrepreneur who knew how to be the richest man in the world for a few months at the beginning of this year shows his hope that, unlike the problems associated with the human nature of human beings, he can gain technical knowledge and be perfect. This is why it prioritizes these types of skills when selecting its employees.

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