End of Isolation: The French in London rejoice

End of Isolation: The French in London rejoice

The French in England had been waiting for news for months. It fell on Wednesday night: there was no longer a 10-day isolation when returning from France to get the double vaccine. According to the British color code, the hexagon goes from the amber plus list to the amber list. This was already the case for other European countries, but due to beta variation, right or wrong, France continued to be an exception. Lore, the furniture designer, changed everything. “My comrade is independent, he can not stop the isolation, she says. Thanks to this change, he can come to France with us! I had planned to visit my family alone with my family, on the Lyon side. I had to isolate myself from my mother – in – law, who lives three hours away from London. “

350 Euro tests

Instead, Laurel stays with his employer and his family for an extra week to try to negotiate a job from France. Edwina, for a general coach, the relief is the same. “We had planned to move to France because we had not seen our family since August 2020. But when I returned, he explained that I had to consult by phone and video and work remotely. This restricts my work. It puts stress on my colleagues. But our vacations will also change. , We can meet friends who live in Hastings (on the beach, in the southeast of England, Author’s note) This is not possible in isolation. From a budget standpoint, we save between 300 and 350 euros because we have less testing to come back to. “In fact, mandatory return trials from abroad are charged in the UK. Prices vary from around sixty euros and more than 150 euros per test per hour, as planned depending on the tests and suppliers. Double vaccinated travelers returning from France will still have to take one test on the second day of their trip. Now on the 8th day of the test, you can add an incomprehensible option to exit the 5th day isolation.

Be vigilant

But despite this good news, Edwina remains vigilant. In July, the French in the United Kingdom already thought they could be exempted from isolation if they were double-vaccinated from “Independence Day” on the 19th. However, the government changed its mind three days ago.

Many hats Freelance Guillo Loyo, who creates video and works as a strategic consultant, is also vigilant. “It was announced by the British Minister of Transport that it would be valid for three weeks. Set when there were fewer cases than there were … I was scheduled to leave at the end of August, so it’s good that I could not change my dates in such a short time due to my professional duties. Restrictions should remain unchanged until the end of the month.As of August 5, there were about 30,000 new positive cases a day in the UK.

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