The BBC reports that the American company SpaceX has assembled the largest rocket.

Photo: Profimedia / Elon Musk / UPI
Two rocket units – the upper “starship” and the lower propulsion “super heavy” – are attached to the SpaceX plant in Boca, Texas.
Due to its altitude of about 120 meters, all previous missile systems were dwarfed.
When it finally takes off, it produces twice the propulsion of the rocket that sent man to the moon.
A large crane was needed to connect the two sections. They were kept in that position for an hour and then parted.
SpaceX still has a few weeks to go, i.e. several months of testing before the first flight, perhaps until the end of 2021.
Elon Musk, managing director of the company, called the rocket connection “a dream come true”.
Kae da e Star ShipOnce that is done, people can be taken to the moon and Mars.
It can carry people around the world quickly, and another obvious purpose is to put satellites into orbit.
Currently, the most powerful rocket is in use Balkan Heavy, It was created by SpaceX. The Balkan Heavy Launch produces 23 MW of propulsion, and the new Super Heavy Rocket is expected to reach about 70 MW.
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