[buzz] A new ultra-modern locker room for Texans

If the 2021 season promises to be groundbreaking, the Texans can assert themselves as one of the most beautiful locker rooms in the league. It was through a video posted on the owner’s website that Call McNair and his wife Hannah toured the new locker room for several players.

“The locker room is fantastic,” said defense and special team player AJ Moore. “I thank Nick (Casario) and Jack Easterby, Mr. McNair, for that we truly thank them. It’s been a long time, but it’s finally over, and we really appreciate it. […] What I really like is neon, and it’s so awesome. Everything is comfortable there. Come on, you know, the new scent, whatever it does. We are so excited. “

In these new locker rooms, each player is provided with a protection for their valuables, a shoe and a shoulder pad dryer, helmet and fan for personal TV screens and news from the daily show and coaches. Every component used in the production is antimicrobial, to provide a healthy environment. Investments in these changing rooms and the expansion of the training hall will cost about $ 4 million. Priority changes to the McNair family, general manager Nick Caesario, executive vice president of football operations Jack Esterby, chairman Greg Grisome and coach David Gully.

“We did some things in the office and made some changes in the facility,” Casario said. “I appreciate the owners’ support and the economic commitment they have made to the new locker room and training space.

Photos: Andy Pow, Game Talk via 790 AM

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