On July 28-29-30, wildfires broke out in 74 different places in Turkey. Firefighters continue to fight.
Sharing the latest situation related to the fire on his social media account, Agriculture and Forestry Minister Becker Bakhtimirli said in his latest post that 88 wildfires were brought under control in 88 fires.
Another fire message came from the basement. The fire, near the apartments, is interfering.

2 workers lost their lives
As the fire continued, bitter news came from the heart. Four firefighters working on a sprinkler were involved in a wildfire that broke out during a firefight at the Pelolok site in Kepes Mahalesi in Manawat. Teams were dispatched to the area on information that the sprayer had caught fire.
As a result of the research carried out in the area, the bodies of 2 workers were found and 2 injured workers were taken to Manawat Government Hospital.
Erdogan, the leader in the disaster area
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in the disaster area to inspect the areas affected by the wildfires.
Here is the latest situation in the struggle against state fire for province …

The wildfire that broke out 3 days ago in the Kozan district of Adana was brought under control.
The fire broke out for an unknown reason on July 28, 19.45 in a wooded area in the Castlereagh area.
Those who saw smoke coming from the area informed the fire brigade and forestry teams.
Following the announcement, a large number of sprayers and extinguishing teams were sent to the area.
For 3 days the teams were able to control the fire by intervening in the air and flames from the ground.
Cooling works continue in the area.
Three days ago, a wildfire broke out in Kozan district, and some neighborhoods were evacuated as a precautionary measure due to the fire, which grew with the impact of the wind, and some homes were affected by the fire. Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate (AFAD) teams rescued a mother and daughter trapped in a fire area in Salmanley district.
Attempts are being made to bring wildfires under control two days ago in the Aladdin district of Adana by air and land interventions.
The fire, which broke out on July 29 at 3:00 a.m. in a wooded area in the Posta district, continues to be extinguished by team intervention.
Teams turn off helicopters and planes in the first light of the day and intervene in the flames.
Some houses in the fire area were evacuated as a precaution.

Attempts are being made to control the wildfires, air and land interventions in Osmani three days ago.
The response to the wildfire, which started in the Kalimik village of Telis, which is connected to the center, spread to the Klimli district of the Karateb village of Kadirli village with the impact of the wind.
Due to heavy smoke yesterday morning, the helicopter intervention could not be done for a while.
As the smoke that covered the area lost its effect, air intervention resumed.
Attempts were made to bring the fire under control through air and land intervention.
Movable artifacts at the Karate Aslanda Open Air Museum on the fire route were moved to another museum as a precaution.
As the fire progressed towards the museum, as a precautionary measure, the movable artefacts were safely moved to the Osmania Museum, said Burhan Dorun, provincial director of culture and tourism.
On July 28, a fire broke out in the forest area of Telis in the village of Kasmaka, and with the impact of the wind, the fire spread to the village of Karateb in Kadirli district. Due to the fire, some houses in the area were evacuated as a precaution.

Work is underway to control the wildfires that broke out at noon on July 28 at various locations in Andalia Manawat.
Due to the wildfire, residents in both neighborhoods were warned to be careful.
The wind and land response to the fire that broke out at 4 different locations in the district on the afternoon of July 28 and spread over a wide area for 3 days continues.
Teams continue to intensify their struggle in tasks that are carried out with difficulty by the impact of the wind.
The fire in the forest began to threaten residential areas in the Sardak and Kasarlar neighborhoods of the district. Following this, the authorities asked the residents of the neighborhood to be vigilant and evacuate their houses.
Some citizens took their belongings and animals and began to move out of the area. Some residents look at the burning areas with tears in their eyes.
Also, crews are warned not to park vehicles on the side of the road as heavy vehicles and construction machinery can easily interfere with burning areas during shutdowns.

Wind and land intervention continues to control wildfires that broke out 2 days ago in Mersin Silifke district.
The wildfire, which started in the Bosak area on the morning of July 29, then increased its impact again as strong winds blew through the night.
In the district where the air temperature reached 34 degrees, the flames were effective in the woods in Aktere.
Efforts to bring the fire under control are being carried out by the Forest Directorate Directorate and the Fire Department and District Police Department (TOMA) Community Event Response Vehicles from across the country.
With the light of the wind, the extinguishing helicopters, again take part in the task, throwing the water they carry from the pools to the burning places without interruption.
A wildfire broke out in Silifke on July 29, and several houses were evacuated as a precaution. The fire spread to the surrounding areas due to strong winds.
Health Minister Fahrenheit Coca said in a recent statement on social media that 132 people affected by the blaze in the Silifke and Aydonzak districts of Mersin had been evacuated.

Efforts to extinguish the wildfire in Mulala’s Marmaris district continue to darken from the ground.
The fire, which broke out yesterday in the forest area of Armudalan Mahallesi Syrinayar, spread with the impact of the wind and spread to Emerald, Durne, Osmania, Bayer, Ciftlick, Turkut, Hisrani and Orhania.
9 helicopters from the ground, 2 planes from the air, several sprayers, fire extinguishers, firefighters from Istanbul, Izmir, Aydon, Denisli, Manisa and Eskihir extinguished the fire.
Houses and villas located near the forest in the area were precautionarily evicted by the teams. Some citizens tried to move their animals from the fire area.
Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nouri Erzoi, who conducted investigations in the area, said, “Until this evening, the wind is in our favor. If this continues, we think we will put out the fire with our crews. We will control and cool the fire with the arrival of planes, helicopters and additional crews in the morning.”
1 was killed and 49 were injured
On the other hand, the Chief of Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD) issued a statement on the fire. In that report, 1 civilian was killed and 49 civilians were injured across Mulala province. Of the injured, 35 are reported to be still receiving treatment.
The fire was brought under control in a forest area in Fedia district of Mulala.
In Okakai, in the forest area of Altanis Mahallesi, the fire started for an insurmountable reason.
Firefighters brought the fire under control as it spread over a wide area with the impact of the wind.
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