What if the moon were twice as close to the earth as it is today?  |  United States

What if the moon were twice as close to the earth as it is today? | United States

If half a moon is located at the current distance; The rotation of the earth will be very slow, and this will lead to a change in the length of the day and the hours of night and day.

The moon orbits itself and the earth. Astronomers who have been studying it since ancient times know this. But what if the distance between the Moon and it and the Earth is halved to what it is today?

In a statement released by “Live Science” (Direct science) On July 19, explained by Neil Cummins, a physicist at the University of Maine in the United States; “The Moon’s greatest influence is its attraction to Earth’s oceans, which control the waves throughout the day and year.”

But if the Moon were closer to half the distance of the Earth today, the wave would be 8 times larger. “Some islands will be completely underwater for most of the day, and the beaches where people live may become uninhabitable due to the high tide,” Cummins added.

Scientists believe that as the Moon approaches (pixie) the Earth will see the frequency level of energy waves throughout the planet.

Control of earthquakes and volcanoes

The rising waves of the oceans are not the only effect of the approaching moon; Scientists believe that the sudden increase in traction by the Moon’s gravity will witness the vibrational state of energy waves throughout the planet, which can be compared to beating a bell with a hammer.

Jasmine Scarlett, a historian and social volcanologist at Queen Mary University in London, believes that this increased gravitational force will “actually affect the Earth’s surface, which in turn will lead to more earthquakes and more earthquakes.” From the volcanic eruption. .

Scientists often anticipate solar eclipses (Pixape)

solar eclipse

With changes affecting the Earth’s crust as the Moon approaches half the distance it is today; The rotation of the earth will decrease over time. This can be explained by the friction between the ocean floor and the water as a result of the increasing force of the Moon’s gravity on the oceans; This leads to a gradual reduction in the rotation of the earth.

Cummins believes that today the rotation of the earth “decreases by one thousandth of a second in a century.”

The moon covers a larger area than the sky; Scientists often predict solar eclipses, and the moon – which appears larger at that time – will obscure the Sun’s disk, shining as a halo around the Moon’s dark shadow and inhabitants of the Earth. The moon can be seen in all its phases and shapes, but it is much larger than usual.

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