Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom ... a wave of resistance against health restrictions

Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom … a wave of resistance against health restrictions

Sydney: Conflicts during a rally against control measures

Anger – As more than 160,000 people protested against the health route in France on Saturday, July 24, the protest movement against health restrictions has spread to many countries around the world.

On Saturday, July 24, more than 160,000 people protested in France against the extension of the health pass and compulsory vaccination for certain industries. But this resistance movement against growing health restrictions by the strong spread of delta diversity is not an isolated case. Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom and Ireland also protested.

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Govit-19: Vaccine Challenge

Italians protest against compulsory health pass

“Freedom!”, “Not for dictatorship!” Thousands of Italians chanted slogans in Rome, Naples, Turin and Genoa against the mandatory health pass to access closed spaces from August 6. In front of the Cathedral of Milan, a sign could be read “It is better to die free than to live as a slave”. Nazi symbols were seen at some rallies, such as Genoa, where protesters wore engraved yellow stars. “unvaccinated”. However, as in France, the announcement of new control measures to counter the progress of the delta variation has led to an increase in the vaccine, with a 200% increase in some parts of Italy, says General Francesco Ficciolo.

In Australia, clashes between police and protesters

On Saturday, July 24, in Sydney, Australia, clashes erupted between police and protesters as the city’s five million residents were ordered to stay at home. They last for a month. According to local media, thousands of people have taken to the streets of Melbourne to march outside Victoria State Parliament.

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Thousands of protesters in England and Ireland

There have also been rallies across the channel challenging health restrictions. According to Daily MailIn the UK, thousands of people took to the streets of London and Manchester to protest against vaccine passports, masks and other restrictions. In Dublin, Ireland, thousands of protesters gathered in silence.

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