What kind of research did you do to get on the ground for the Intermediate High School Championship of High School 3 and pass the Tokyo Science III class?
உச்சியாமாI was not focused on studying until high school 2, but for now, I was studying with the intention of getting good grades in regular school exams. I do my best in English and took Iken 1st grade at 2 in high school. At the beginning of High 3, other subjects were distorted, but I wondered if English was almost finished with some basics.
I couldn’t really do math, so from the winter of high school 2, I started solving the problem book myself to re-establish the basics. I started science with enthusiasm from high school 3, but when I switched from physics to biology I combined better than I expected and my grades gradually improved.
How to use concentration and awareness about “mental state”
A How many hours a day did you study?
உச்சியாமாUntil high school 3 summer, I did club activities four times a week, and after that day I did homework for three or four hours. On days when I didn’t have club activities, I felt like I was always studying after school, so it was about 6 p.m. After the middle school athletic meet, I did nothing but study, so it was about 10 hours, last period it was about 14 hours.
– What were the tips and things you had in mind to maintain and maintain your concentration?
உச்சியாமாDuring my first year of high school 3, I felt so much behind my surroundings that I realized what I should do without studying now. So I didn’t have time to relax, I wasn’t trying to focus.
However, from the point of view of how to use my concentration … I am very sensitive to my state of mind. When it comes to competition, for example, I get nervous and excited before the game, but I think I can use this to bring it into the game and try to record it.
Performance When did you gain the ability to objectively view your mental health toward actual performance?