
Could our planet have been ready for life earlier than expected? Scientists have found the answer in diamonds

A recent study of ancient diamonds pointed to a significant situation. Already 2.7 billion years ago, the portal writes that our planet may have been ready for the “explosion” of life MSN

Diamonds can act as a time capsule, allowing scientists to explore the past and determine the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. Volatile gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, neon or carbon enter the atmosphere from the Earth’s mantle. Diamonds in the mantle can store these gases and reveal the composition of the Earth’s mantle, and So the atmosphere, At the time they were created.

Researchers at the French University of Lorraine used diamonds to show that the composition of the atmosphere during the Neuroscience was similar to today. More specifically, these are important items for life. This is carbon and nitrogen, which had a similar presence in today’s atmosphere 2.7 billion years ago. Creatures depend on certain turbulent substances. These substances are found not only on our planet, but also on the planet Venus, Although this planet is not considered habitable.

Important items for life

There may have been turbulent objects in the atmosphere on Mars in the past, but they eventually escaped into space. It is believed that in the past Mars had a life friendly atmosphere Loss of magnetic field Caused great damage. Without protection, the atmosphere of Mars was “blown” by the solar wind.

Astronomers are trying to find turbulent objects in Atmospheres of planets outside our solar system. These gases can be a good indicator of whether a given exoplanet is viable.

A new study looking at the Earth’s atmospheric structure has examined diamonds discovered by researchers on a rock 2.7 billion years old. Diamonds are thought to be older than rock.

“It’s hard to determine the exact age of a diamond. The rock that found the diamonds helps us at least a little bit. The diamonds may certainly be old, but the age of the rock tells us that they are at least 2.7 billion years old. It’s not the same, “said Michael Bradley, the study’s author.

Scientists have heated diamonds to more than 2,000 C, Thereby converting them into graphite. During this process, the gases that were the target of the study were released. Analysis of the isotopes of argon, helium and neon has shown that there have been no significant changes in the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 2.7 billion years. Diamonds are old and may have had much better living conditions than previously thought on earth. However, this study is an important step in understanding the history of our planet.

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