This Monday the Earth will travel at its minimum speed | LOCOMUND

This Monday the Earth will travel at its minimum speed |  LOCOMUND

The Earth will pass the Sun the farthest point in its orbit this Monday, July 5th, which will, in fact, slow down its translation. The event that crosses the farthest point from the sun is called the Apilion and takes place from July 2 to 7 each year.

The Earth describes an elliptical orbit of 930 million kilometers, traveling at an average speed of 107.280 kilometers per hour, or 365 days orbiting the Sun for about 6 hours.

Change the speed

According to the second law of the German astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) this translation speed varies, increasing to a maximum of perihelion – the shortest distance to the sun – at a speed of 110,700 kilometers per hour, and decreasing at a minimum of 103.536 kilometers per hour, i.e. less than 7,000 kilometers per hour.

r, planets move faster when they are closer to the Sun than when they are farther away.

Thus, the lower the orbital speed of a planet, the greater the distance from the Sun and the shorter the orbit speed. The average distance from the Earth and the Sun is an average of 150 million kilometers. At Aphelion it reaches 152.09 million kilometers and at Perihelion it drops to a distance of 147.10 million kilometers.

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