Jomph manages the staff's Apple devices in the Flex office

Jomph manages the staff’s Apple devices in the Flex office

U.S. publisher automates life cycle management of corporate Apple devices. Includes software deployment, endpoint security and identity tracking.

As flexible office becomes the norm, companies will make it easier for their employees to manage Apple terminal fleets, whether they work on site, in front of customers or at home. JAMF provides the tools needed for secure access to verified applications by the company, with a technical team ready to respond to constantly updated environments and remote assistance or repair requests.

U.S. According to the ITC survey of companies, the average penetration rate for MacOS devices in 2020 was 23%, up from 17% a year earlier. More than 50,000 companies worldwide manage more than 20 million Apple devices with JAMF devices.

Using the JAMF site, the IT team can prevent, detect and fix security threats in MacOS. Managers receive real-time security alerts and are guided to manage, connect, and secure all Apple hotspots wherever they are.

Better management of access rights

Once they enter the company, the employee receives a laptop computer, a tablet or an Apple smartphone in his or her home, a device that can comply with the company’s safety rules throughout its life cycle. By identifying himself by his username, password, or fingerprint, he can securely access only the desired business applications and required devices and shared documents. Thus he can be productive everywhere and be able to collaborate effectively with his colleagues, partners or clients. ” To guarantee comprehensive administration of rightsaccShared resources, network printers and Files, Provides the JAMF connection mechanism on the JAMF Mac. This can sometimes be an active directory, either Octa’s IAM Tools or Onlogin, J JAMF refers to Matthew Costell, a computer engineer in France.

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In addition to the JAMF Pro to facilitate the administration of Apple Navy, the JAMF operating system includes JAMF Security to protect users from malware. The JAMF Now solution makes it easy for small businesses to monitor Apple devices, while JAMF School Educational Institutions, their groups of users and specialize in managing Apple devices.

What are the next planned features? Join Jamil in the third quarter of 2021 and they will definitely benefit from the security features they have received from English publisher Vandora. This will allow companies to adopt ZTNA (Zero Trust Network access) service for their mobile workers up to four times faster than distance. Access via VPN network.

To learn more, register on the JAMF Webinar on June 23 from 11am to 11:20am, presented by Matthew Castell, a computer engineer at JAMF on the occasion of Workplace Paris.

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