Leaving Home, Browse 9 Tips To Make Life Safer |  Dek-D.com

Leaving Home, Browse 9 Tips To Make Life Safer | Dek-D.com


  • Do not check in real time on social media. Let the world know where you are and what you are doing
  • Look in the mirror and do not forget to look at the environment around you.
  • Whenever you come to public transportation, choose a seat in the aisle.

The most important thing in everyday life during this period is the mask hand washing alcohol to prevent COVID-19, but this is not the only cruelty in the world. There are still many dangers around us today.In everyday life there is a good trick that you want everyone to practice for their safety.

(Image from Freepik.com)
(Image from Freepik.com)

Do not check in real time.

To be stylish, we need to take pictures, do check-ins, upload photos and upload stories. To really be a trend setter, it is wrong to run social media like this. But in the online world, we do not know whether the person shining on us is good or bad. Nothing updates In real time, preventing others from knowing where we are. Do not completely upload photos or status like what you are doing and most importantly time alone. “Living alone at home, very lonely” is underlined, emphasized, do not look for it !!! Because it equates to pointing the squirrel hole well

Always walk in the opposite direction of the driving lane.

Thailand sidewalks? Get away from the motorcycle. It is difficult to walk without hitting the tiles. But if you are going to provide extra protection if you have to walk down the alley then everyone should walk to the right on the same plane of the running car (do not walk on the sidewalk). This is a walk in the opposite direction of the driveway Usually in Thailand, the car always runs on the left lane, whether it is a large road or a small road in the alley, we must be on the right. Thus we can watch and be careful of the vehicles coming in the garden because it is safer than what happens and does not see the car coming from behind

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(Image from Freepik.com)
(Image from Freepik.com)

Check back often

No matter where you walk or where you go, it doesn’t matter if you have a car or not, it is a habit to look back and forth carefully. Is anyone walking behind us? Does the car drive this way? Left, right, front, back, how are you? I’m not saying it’s paranoid. But it is better to be safe first

Look in the mirror all around you.

Do not look wrong in the mirror to fill in the lipstick. But this glass is the glass that is the door. Windows of buildings, car mirrors, round glass that monitors the corner of the street. Don’t just walk through these glasses, give us a glimpse of what is wrong with our environment. Is there anything consistent?

(Image from pexels.com)
(Image from pexels.com)

To answer “Go to the hospital”

If you travel from home then there are no reliable ones. Or ask if a stranger is coming to greet you, where are you going? Save and cut Quick response The answer is “go to the hospital” because this is the place where it appears to be serious, need to hurry, no one wants to follow.

Stretch against the wall, press panel, lift

Where do you stand when you take the elevator? Most people press the floor they want and finally walk away. Because he does not want to frustrate or guide anyone but the safest position is to stand close to the control position, turn your back against the wall and face the lift keyboard. Because here is something strange you can see all over the cabin and the elevator opens immediately

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(Image from Unplash.com)
(Image from Unplash.com)

Do not walk near a wall

If there is enough space then it is better to walk a little distance from the wall because we do not know what is behind the wall or if it is at the end of the wall, is there any danger in the corner? But on the other hand if the road is a car be careful left and right

Choose a seat in the aisle

Most people prefer to sit near the window to target the chair on the side of the porch where the car is not too crowded when boarding the public bus, so I hope they can enjoy the view. But the aisle seats are not visible. But provide more protection because it is easier to sit down and in case of emergency, it will move faster.

(Image from Unplash.com)
(Image from Unplash.com)

“No !!!” She shouted.

Scream loudly if there is an emergency and throw away your shyness. But shout out loud For example, no, hey, what are you doing, screaming, mentally ill or helping, this cry will help those around you. And provide timely assistance

Ah, I thought this was a concern. But taking precautions is a good thing that everyone should do. But Brother Pam believes itThere are many other ways for tech-tech people to increase their security. Who has the habit of doing what? Let’s share!

Information from https://brightside.me/inspiration-tips-and-tricks/women-share-10-tips-on-how-to-stay-safe-ween-out-and-about-801585/https://brightside.me/inspiration-tips-and-tricks/10-tips-that-can-up-your-self-defense-game-and-make-you-safer-801510/https://brightside.me/inspiration-tips-and-tricks/12-effective-ways-to-secure-your-home-from-burglars-801764/

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