The massive sphere of the boat will have 13 floors. The odd research vessel was primed at sea by a salt smelting furnace.
Earth 300 is all about attacking all other research vessels with your fingers. The odd concept was designed by Ides Yacht in Mallorca.
They think the impulse energy should come from a small salt melting furnace (MSR), where the salt acts as a coolant, writes Ides Yacht on the ship’s website.
The design can be compared to a large sphere placed on a flat surface with a floating divan. The ship is 300 meters long, 46 meters wide and 60 meters high. This ship, called the “Science Sphere”, should have 13 sites.
The ship will have more advanced equipment than any previous research vessel, including a quantum computer, to evaluate real-time data and apply artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Scientists enjoy it more than scientific equipment.
“We believe researchers should be treated like rock stars because they are,” Ides Yach writes on the website.
There is room for about 400 people, of whom there are about 240 researchers and guests and a team of 165 people. There are 22 labs on this ship.
Plans are afoot to launch Earth 300 by 2025, and although the design and nuclear function may raise skepticism, the whole idea seems to have generated some waves. According to Middle It has already attracted investors and received some support from many large companies, including IBM.