Slow movement for Johnson & Johnson vaccine

Slow movement for Johnson & Johnson vaccine

There are now four vaccines in France against Covit-19: Pfizer and Bioentech, Moderna, Astrogeneneka and Johnson & Johnson. The latter is available from this Saturday, April 24th. But the surprise: the vaccine is not yet successful.

As pointed out Politics, Only 1,880 doses were administered on the first day of vaccination. By April 25, a total of 2,004 injections had been given, According to French health statistics. That same weekend, more than 200,000 of these vaccines were administered in France, a low level when one considers.

The use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was briefly discontinued in the United States after six cases of cerebrovascular thrombosis were diagnosed in nearly seven million people who received the injection. A decision that pushed the US company to postpone the use of its product in Europe.

Contact person PFMTVHowever, the Directorate General of Health confirms that these low release figures do not have to be the result of public distrust. Logistics problem, Usually seen with the advent of a new vaccine.

Unlike competing products, Johnson & Johnson only need one injection instead of two. For now, it is available for people over 55 years of age.

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