Alex Boyer: Magician or Rockstar [VIDEO] |  Arts |  Right

Alex Boyer: Magician or Rockstar [VIDEO] | Arts | Right

Jacques Of magic

This “we” is a member of the Big Trick Energy (PDE) group, of which Alex Boer is a member.

The quartet is completed by Eric Leklerk of Ottawa, Wes Parker of Vancouver and Chris Ramsay of Montreal. Together, the four comrades will break all the classic symbols of magic to deliver actions that dominate comedy and daring moments.

“What we want is to surprise the viewer, to take him to a place where he does not expect to go, and it’s very bad if we miss something. What’s important to us, is that the entertainment starts with the Cadino resident. “

Conservatism that rules the magical world does not seem to appreciate the madness of these free electrons.

“Most witches don’t really like what we do,” he adds. But, we have the original material. So if we reveal what is going on behind the scenes, it is our decision because the towers are ours. “

Big Trick Energy’s career began. The group has already sold 10 episodes of the same name to TrueTV, an American reality television network.

“Our series airs on Trudeau from April 22nd. This gives us an incredible opportunity, the young wizard. Now, you can see our faces on the big posters in Los Angeles. It still pinches me to see if I can dream. What is happening to us now is utterly surreal. “

The American adventure for these four “misguided Canadians” has already begun since last Thursday, when they were invited on the set of Ellen DeGeneres ’daily show.

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This Speech show The afternoon attracts millions of viewers every day, which is not as dissatisfying as the four producers at Big Trick Energy on Trudeau.

Providing a magical scene is not an easy task these days. To get there, the four boys of BTE have to think outside the box.

“By 2021, the public has already seen it all, so it’s very difficult to find you again, and with BTE, we hope we’ve created something new, Alex Boer believes. We do not take ourselves too seriously when we do our job seriously. We’ll show it for the simple reason that it’s fun to watch. ”

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