Death of Australian Cardinal Edward Cassidy

Death of Australian Cardinal Edward Cassidy

Between 1989 and 2001, during the twelve years of John Paul II’s twelve years, Cardinal Edward Cassidy of Australia died on Saturday, April 10, 1996 in Newcastle, Australia, at the age of 96. He was chairman of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Unity, with which he made significant contributions to Lutherans and Methodists.

It was in this capacity that in 1999, in Augsburg (Germany), he signed the historical document of a theological question that divided Christian churches throughout history: Are we saved by our works or by her faith? This joint declaration for justification was signed by Bishop Christian Cross, President of the Lutheran World Federation. Following the Confederation, three other Christian churches signed the text.

One year ago, in March 1998, John Paul II addressed the Australian Cardinal, Chairman of the Pontifical Commission for Conversation with Judaism, an important letter. ” We remember: Showa’s reflection .

In the diplomatic service of the Holy See

This Sydney native has been ordained a priest in 1949 in the Diocese of Wagah for almost half a century. After a few years as a parish priest, he was sent to Rome to study canon law at the University of Pontifical Lateran. From 1953, he also studied at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy before entering the Holy See’s diplomatic service and being sent to numerous nuns.

Cardinal Cassidy first spent one year in India (1955-1962), five years in Ireland (1962-1967), then two years in El Salvador (1967-1969), and one year in Argentina.

It was not until 1970 that he received his episcopal appointment. He was later ordained Apostolic Pro-Nancio in Paul Al Taiwan (Republic of China). The Australian Cardinal later represented the Holy See in Bangladesh, which gained independence (1973-1979), in Lesotho and South Africa, and later under apartheid (1979-1984), in the Netherlands. Low (1984-1988).

It was only in Rome that he completed his long service to the Roman Curia: in 1988, he was appointed an alternative to public affairs, and then, the following year, appointed chairman of the Pontifical Council for the Advancement of Christian Unity. John Paul II made him cardinal Standard June 28, 1991. He has not been a voter since 2004.

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