Parrot OS 4.11: Sicherer Papagei mit KDE Plasma, MATE und Linux 5.10

Parrot OS 4.11: Secure Parrot with KDE Plasma, Mate and Linux 5.10

Linux distribution based on the Debian test Parrot OS Specially designed for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment, thus competing with the best dog Kali Linux 2021.1. The operating system considers itself a forensic distribution and detects vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

Debian 11 for security researchers

All updates to the Debian test repository, including the upcoming Debian 11 (“Bulsey”), until March 2021 and already included in the new version 4.11, include the latest version of the desktop and the basic computer kernel Linux 5.10 LTS. The change to Linux 5.11 is immediate.

With Parrot OS 4.11 Mate 1.24.1
Parrot OS 4.11 with Mate 1.24.1 (Image: Parrot Protection)

Desktop and shell based Matte desktop environment The latest version is 1.24.1, a fork of the Gnome 2 created in 2011, and optionally KTE Plasma 5.20.5, which comes with Debian 11

In addition to the latest updates to the new Linux kernel and Debian 11 (“Bulsey”), Click OS 4.11 includes a number of updated software packages for its security and penetration testing. Additionally, the system is offered as a replacement for the completely redesigned XFS Desktop 4.16.

New software packages

Not only has the operating system sandbox received a new revision, but the following forensic tools have also been modified according to the official Release Notes Get update:

  • The Metasploid framework has been updated to 6.0.36 and we are updating it weekly.
  • The Better Cap has finally been updated to 2.29, and 2.30 is coming very soon.
  • Pompeii has joined the parrot team to properly manage services and use the new wpvulndb server.
  • RouterSloit has been updated to work with Python 3.9.
  • Xspy was unable to run on the host system.
  • Pisces and Zsh support is now available on our scale, including the latest zsh-autocomplete version.
  • Parrot is now shipped with Python 3.9. Python 2 was finally removed, and / usr / bin / python now points to / usr / bin / python3 by default.
  • The clip also includes Go 1.15, and Go 1.16 is coming very soon.
  • The default GCC version is 10.2.1.
  • Not all updates made on our tools can be reported here. If you are interested in a particular package, read its specific changelog / usr / share / doc / packagename to learn more.

Parrot OS 4.11 – Release Notes

With these and other packages, Kli OS, such as Kali Linux and other forensic distributions, is particularly suitable for detecting and removing vulnerabilities on servers, networks, and personal computers.

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Security by not knowing the name in everyday life

In addition, the operating system protects the real user by enabling data traffic through the Door network and through multiple servers, guaranteeing maximum anonymity and data security. Can be used with the help of a decentralized anonymous network console or graphical user interface Vitalia Can be configured.

In addition to other specialized tools, all of which target the areas of navigation, anonymization, security and data security, the operating system includes the free current Office suite LibreOffice 7.1.1 (“community”) and popular software. Current Firefox 87 on board.

Computer images for private users and professionals

In addition to the 64-bit computer image Parrot Home 4.11 (ISO) MATE-Desktop and Parrot KTE Home 4.11 (ISO) Developers of parrot protection im, with KTE plasma The download area of ​​the website Special editions are available for security researchers and forensic scientists.

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