Father kills his sons for millions of dollars in insurance and goes to 212 years in prison: People: From Life: Lenta.ru

Father kills his sons for millions of dollars in insurance and goes to 212 years in prison: People: From Life: Lenta.ru

In the US state of California, a father who killed his sons for millions of dollars in insurance went to prison for 212 years. It has been reported News release U.S. Judiciary, released March 11.

On April 9, 2015, 45-year-old Ali Elmesayan deliberately caused a fatal accident that resulted in the death of two sons with autism. He left the ship in a car in which, in addition to himself and the children, there was an ex-wife who could not swim. As the car went under the water, the Elmagian left the passenger compartment through the window.

The incident was witnessed by a local fisherman who helped Elmesayan’s ex-wife get out of the land. The children trapped in the seats drowned, unable to get out of the car. After the children died, the father sought a total of $ 3 million (220.7 million rubles) from eight insurance companies. By the time his plan was unveiled, he had managed to raise more than $ 260,000 (more than 19 million rubles).

Elmagian’s case lasted nine days. For premeditated and gruesome murder, the man was sentenced to a maximum of 212 years in prison. He was also ordered to pay $ 261.7 thousand (19.2 million rubles) to the fraudulent insurance companies.

“This man is a real cheater and a clever liar … none other than a greedy and brutal murderer,” said District Judge John Walter. “He only regrets that his actions were exposed.”

Before AnnouncedThe American killed his own parents for insurance, cut them off, and boiled his mother’s head in a long-handled pot. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

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