Le géant américain Google se serait-il débarrassé de ses employés se plaignant de racisme ou de sexisme ?

Did the American company Google exempt its employees from racist or sexual harassment complaints?

An investigation by the US media has revealed these facts CBS News. Many employees who have been hired by Google’s human resources department or are currently working at the company testify to highly questionable practices.

This is the position of Benjamin Cruz, a former Mexican-American employee of Google, who faced a racist comment in 2019. A co-worker reportedly said it was his skin. “It was very dark“More than she thought. Following this racist comment, the man explains that he has been in contact with human resources and would have told him what he should do.”Take good intentions“From his colleague. A response that did not satisfy Benjamin Cruz, so he asked to examine the file with more interest. Unfortunately, nothing has been done and the HR department has announced that the case is over,” he explains in an interview.

After a new complaint for facts, before changing jobs, the HR department would have finally called the employee to go on sick leave and take care of his mental health. “After I filed this complaint, my work started to stop, but my team acted as if everything was fine. I wanted to seek help“Did he announce?”When medical leave is prescribed to me, it is like an automated process“When he returned, all the positions he had applied for were rejected, so he was forced to leave the company.

About ten cases

But the case is not isolated. In all, a dozen cases have been identified ranging from comments about skin color or haircut to sexual harassment. This is the case of researcher Timnit Kebru, entitled Ethics in Artificial Intelligence. She was interrogated “Contrary to Google Admin Expectations” Following his complaints about compliance with the obligations made by Google in terms of diversity and inclusion.

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Going on vacation is very natural. Ten people I know took mental leave last year because they were receiving treatmentAnother former Google employee said anonymously.

In response to the allegations, Google spokeswoman NBC said the company is committed to supporting employees who raise concerns about their treatment in the workplace. “We have a well-defined process for trying to be very transparent about how employees can raise concerns and how we handle complaints.“, They explained.

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