Vendue à Sram, la marque nivernaise Time Sport "continuera à produire des pédales pendant un certain temps"

Sold to Sram, Nivarnise brand Time Sport “will continue to produce pedals for a while”

The transaction was finalized on February 18 and announced on Monday 22nd. Rosignol Group sells pedal operation of Time Sport brand to US company Sram. This sale includes full range pedals for road bikes and mountain bikes, cleats and all-time sports patents. Sram will continue to sell pedals in the name of time.

In the long run, we look at different options.

An announcement that directly affects Never where a production unit specializes in pedals is located. It is located on the same premises as Luke Binding, which is owned by Rossinol.

According to the buyer, “The Never plant will continue to manufacture pedals for us for a while. In the long run, we look at different options. “

Look binding site in Never, World No. 1 in Alpine and Nordic Sky Binding

Rosignol, world leader in skiing, Acquired Time Sport in 2016. The Time Automatic pedal system, founded in 1987 in Never, revolutionized the lives of cyclists at the time. Time added MTP pedals to its lineup in 1993. “Time was a renowned brand and first focused on pedal stroke ergonomics. While continuing its quest for innovation and quality, we will work to preserve Time’s history and heritage, ”said Sramin leader Ken Lusberg in a statement.

Remy Marshall

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