World’s First Cinema

The world’s first cinema: l’EP Rituals

The world’s first cinema was created in 2019. Phil Thorpe, a founding member of the award-winning rock band Neck Deep and No. 2 on the American Albums chart, has left his band. Now based in Los Angeles, he met John Sinclair, also known as Saint Clare, who previously collaborated with McLamer on his single.Excavation“Since 2017.
They both have enough knowledge about the world of business music to fill an Olympic swimming pool, but now that they are together they want to do a different project.

After their previous singles big win “Can’t feel anything“,”Red run cold“And”Sets cool“, Who have amassed more than 2 million streams in three months with numerous playlists on Spotify, the budding duo are set to launch the world’s first cinema with their highly anticipated debut EP.Rituals“, Along with the new solo”Youth fire“.

Includes their latest three solos and the soundtrack version of the new track “Youth on Fire” and “Red Run Gold”, providing the band’s new and ambitious sound. With the drive to create a bold and vibrant alternative pop, this E.P. The duo is the first of many episodes to be explored, filled with a rich and ecstatic production amid a bright intent to snatch up the storytelling.

“‘Rituals’ are the foundation of our chat”, they said in their E.P.

“We wanted this introductory EP to be a great introduction to the band. More important than the lyrics, we wanted to interact with this EP in a sonic atmosphere. To ”

“We use a lot of unusual production techniques to create our music. This is not a common practice in most of the music we see today, but it’s a lot of fun for us. Take techniques from theatrical trailers and integrate them with more pop song structures. This kind of songwriting and production, horror films, Together with our passion for dungeons and dragons and symbols, we create the world’s first cinema. ”

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“People can expect us to bring the basics of the rest of the project, what we provided with EP.”Rituals“For a whole new expansion.”
“We don’t want to create songs, we want to create worlds.”

This new EP Latest single “Youth fireTrue to the sound they have created so far, this new and vibrant new single reflects their own world, making it one of their most important releases to date.

About “Youth on Fire”: “A song with a hidden approach to political opinion,”Youth fire“Exploring the current state of the world and the chaos we have all created. Completed with an exotic hook and a great Alt-Rock production, this song takes WFC’s signature cinematic soundtrack one step further and pays a greater amount of aggression and pain.”

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