London condemns Beijing's "barbarism"

London condemns Beijing’s “barbarism”

The government wants to ban imports and exports associated with the forced labor of these oppressed Muslim minorities.

Reporter in London

Unlike other European leaders, Boris Johnson was not afraid to anger Beijing. Condemns Chinese repression of Uyghurs London on Tuesday unveiled measures to ban the forced labor of Xinjiang Muslim minorities., In the greater northwest of China.

The head of British diplomacy did not downplay his words. That’s one“The barbarism we believed would be pushed into the past in practice today”, Said Dominic Rob In front of the delegates, provoking“Arbitrary detention, political re-education, forced labor, torture and forced contraception” உய்குர்கள். All training“On an industrial scale”. Faced these“Unacceptable Human Rights Violations”, Was in the UK “Moral duty” To react, the Minister continued. It is estimated that at least one million Uyghurs will be placed in detention and political re-education camps. Beijing denies and responds that these are vocational training centers intended to evade the temptations of Islam, separatism and terrorism. Dominic Robb called on China to allow an independent investigation.

In an already tense situation, the announcement of these measures will further worsen relations between London and Beijing.

The measures adopted by London are aimed at banning imports and exports linked to forced labor by Uyghurs. On the one hand, making sure of it“British companies do not participate in supply chains leading to the websites of detention camps in Xinjiang.” On the other hand, it is“Products resulting from human rights violations do not end up on supermarket shelves” British. UK companies will be fined for violating these guidelines. Vast area of ​​northwestern China, Le Xinjiang Especially an important supplier of cotton globally. Last week, La Sun Marks & Spencer It is committed to ensuring that the garments it sells are not woven from this cotton, becoming the first major UK company to join.“Call to action” For Uyghurs started by about 300 voluntary charities.

Conservative representatives who doubt the impact of these measures want the government to go further by introducing “Magnitsky”-style sanctions against Chinese officials. The ban is aimed at those accused of human rights abuses and is named after Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who died in prison after being arrested in 2008 for exposing the corruption of senior Russian officials. London have so far refused to go that far, but Dominic Robb has said he has the opportunity.

A bold position

In an already tense situation, the announcement of these measures will further worsen relations between London and Beijing. China was outraged by the brutal acquisition of Hong Kong and its decision to exclude Chinese company Hawaii from the British 5G network. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun asked the UK on Tuesday“Stop interfering in China’s internal affairs”. But Canada has already followed suit in London.

The European Union and China have signed a controversial investment agreement – especially one won by Paris – and London’s bold stance is seen as an expression of a new post-Brexit independent foreign policy. Dominic Robb said Britain has always wanted a positive and constructive relationship with China.“But it does not sacrifice its values ​​or security.”

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