Colin Kabernick NFL

Colin Kabernick NFL

American footballer Colin Copernicus has decided to sue NFL owners for plotting to assassinate him. The quarterback, who is considered one of the best players in his role, has been without a team since San Francisco left 49 players last March. The 29-year-old has not received any concessions since he started a major protest movement against the conditions of the black community.

On August 26, Colin Kabernick kneels during the national anthem. In a country where patriotic symbols such as the flag or song are sacred, such a gesture immediately triggers strong reactions. On the one hand the majority of whites feel hurt in their patriotic souls, and on the other hand, blacks who condemn the conditions of blacks and approve of this gesture. A few days ago in Charlotte, a black man was killed by police, which is a new mistake, provoking riots. In a country where Donald Trump was to be elected, Kabernick soon became a foreigner. Kepernick, who is considered one of the top 100 quarterbacks (including incumbents and replacements), has been without a team since March.

Conflict of ownership

Faced with this observation, Colin Cabernick decided to take the case to court. “This was done after following all possible avenues with the NFL teams and all their officials.” If the NFL (as well as all professional sports leagues) is to qualify, peaceful and principled political protests – as the owners themselves felt several weeks ago – should not be punished and athletes should not lose their jobs, “a statement from the player’s lawyer underscored the contradiction. Look at some of the leaders who have recently fallen on one knee in protest of Donald Trump’s insulting remarks.

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