The Ethiopian immigrant became a symbol of integration in Italy and was killed on his sheep farm

The Ethiopian immigrant became a symbol of integration in Italy and was killed on his sheep farm

The immigrant from Ethiopia, who became a symbol of integration in Italy, the country he adopted, was killed with a hammer on his sheep farm. The man who took her life would have confessed to this act.

According to Reuters, quoted AcerPress , A Ghanaian worker working on a farm in Trentino, northern Italy, has admitted to raping and beating 42-year-old Akito Ideo Gudeta with a hammer, which has not yet been confirmed.

Akitu, who fled the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in 2010, once benefited from Italian policies amid protests by foreign investors to access farmland, allowing abandoned farmland to work.

Established on such land in Valle de Mocheni it has created a goat farm, reaching 180 heads in 2018, and is known for the cheese and cosmetics it produces on its farm La Capra Felice.

At a time when anti-immigrant sentiment was growing in Italy, fueled by the far-right La Liga, the international press presented his story as an example of a “success story” of immigration integration.

Akitu, in fact, was the target of a racist-instigated aggression by a neighbor two years ago, who then told her to leave, according to the press, who addressed him under the pseudonym “stinking black woman.” The convict who attacked an Ethiopian Malian collaborator was later sentenced by a Trento court to 9 months in prison for causing physical harm, while the charge of harassment on the basis of racial discrimination has not been withheld, Italian media reported.

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Author: A.A.

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