Technology.  Password ending for 2021!

Technology. Password ending for 2021!

Passwords are used more extensively to unlock our computers, smartphones or to identify themselves on websites, which is more of a scam for Microsoft.

Microsoft Identity Vice President Alex Simons is taking a one-year stake “Most of us are happy to put up […] In the rearview mirror ‘ And stimulates “The real puzzle” What are passwords.

Enabling the discovery of the most popular passwords (123456, password, 111111, 123123 இறுதியில்) later this year, Redmond reminds users and companies of security risks, regardless of their size.

Trust us better, one of Microsoft’s 250 business accounts – on average – claims to be compromised every month.

According to Gardner, 20-50% of all help desk calls are for password reset, while the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that cybercrime costs the world economy 2.9 million dollars per minute, of which 80% is for passwords.

Faced with the situation Microsoft has been trying to operate for years by increasing the number of security technologies.

With the appearance of the American company Windows, 2020 promises to be “An Important Year for Passwordless Technology” He also says he is ready to remove the password for his customers by 2021.

“We look forward to making password-less access a reality for our customers by 2021.”, Alex Simmons estimates that by November 2019 100 million people will already be using Microsoft’s password – free link.

That number rose to more than 150 million in May 2020, with a strong increase in the use of biometrics to access professional accounts.

Finally, we know that the number of users who configured Windows Hello to connect to Windows 10 devices (without a password) increased from 69.4% in 2019 to 84.7%.

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In 2021, Microsoft wants to give up the password

Promoting results for an American company utilizing a growing number of devices in line with its functionality.

“We are pleased with the steps we have taken in 2020, which shows the increasing number of password-free businesses and users.”Alex Simmons adds.

By 2021, the company is building many avenues to continue to thrive “Without password”.

Creating new APIs and UX for managing Microsoft FIDO2 security keys and in the My Applications portal (My Applications).

Microsoft wants to build its own Microsoft authentication app by integrating the password manager function.

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