Tucker Carlson boldly questioned a Trump lawyer.  The recession was quick.

Tucker Carlson boldly questioned a Trump lawyer. The recession was quick.

Mr. Within hours of Carlson’s monologue completion, the word quickly spread on social media, with Mr. Trump supporters have said Mr. Went not only behind Carlson, but also to Fox News. Mr. Taking a more skeptical view of Trump’s allegations of voter fraud, Mr. The network has caused particular frustration for many, with Biden refusing to reconsider its call on election night that it would win Arizona.

That decision proved to be the right one, which deeply angered the president and began promoting some of Fox’s small rivals on cable, such as Newsmax and the One America News Network, as the most appropriate alternative to his larger and more loyal following.

Rush Wallace, a pro-presidential writer and podcast editor, summed up the anger aimed at Fox by many on the right. That, “As long as Tucker Carlson works for Fox News, you can’t trust him completely.”

Throughout the week on networks such as Newsmax and OANN and talk radio programs, the president’s supporters have been given regular interviews with news promoting Trump allies, campaign officials and allegations of fraud, with little or no context.

A lawyer who has been assisting the Trump campaign in its efforts, Lynn Wood, said this week that Mr. Mr. Levin at the show. He questioned the wonderful claim that Trump won the election with 70 percent of the vote. A story aired on OANN on Friday afternoon falsely claimed that “Michigan State is back in the drama.” Trump’s extraordinary but almost failed attempts to delay voter certification in Detroit offer credibility.

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Ms. at a news conference on Thursday. Powell, Rudolph W. Giuliani and Mr. Republicans, such as Iowa Senator Johnny Ernst, have made the exception of those who say Ms Powell’s allegations are “completely outrageous.”

Rich Lori, editor of the National Review and who sometimes criticizes the president That He refused to accept that it was “absurd and sophomore” and said that whether it was a Republican politician or a talk show host, many Trump supporters would find it very difficult to override the desire to believe he was the right winner.

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