Motorsport World mourns the tragic death of 21-year-old rally champion Laura Salvo

Motorsport World mourns the tragic death of 21-year-old rally champion Laura Salvo

Laura Salvo, a 21-year-old Spanish co-driver, has paid tribute after her car collided head-on with a car during a rally in Portugal.

In a statement to the rally, Salvo, who was driving alongside Miguel Socias’ Peugeot, attended minutes with doctors.

Salvo died at the site before a medical helicopter arrived.

“Peugeot Sport would like to extend its deepest condolences to the family and friends of co-driver Laura Salvo,” Peugeot Sport said on Twitter.

Authorities canceled the remaining races that took place immediately after the first phase began.

Salvo, who started co-driving when he was 16, and Socias recently won a rally in Valencia, Spain.

Laura Salvo film after winning a rally with Miguel Socios in Valencia last month.
Laura Salvo film after winning a rally with Miguel Socios in Valencia last month. debt: Instagram

With leading tributes to Rally legend Carlos Science, the heartbeat news spread widely around the motorsport world.

“Today is a very sad day for the marching world due to the accident and the death of Laura Salvo,” Science wrote.

“I want to send a great warmth to your family and friends !!”

Senior driver Danny Sorto released a heartfelt message in Spanish from the World Rally Championship round in Italy.

“My condolences to the family and friends of Laura Salvo,” he wrote.

“He will always remember you! Keep calm, champion. ”

The photo of Salvo smiling at the recent rally of motorsport photographer Adrian Hernandez was widely shared.

“Another blow to 2020. You did your favorite and left … no words. Today is not the day,” he said.

“Thank you for your kindness at all times. We will keep the best memories of your species. ”

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