'Are you playing the right way?'  - Orange County Registration

‘Are you playing the right way?’ – Orange County Registration

Things are changing.

Remember when the Dodgers were accused of over-celebration? When Cardinals’ Adam Winewright accused Adrian Gonzalez of “doing some Mickey Mouse things”, it was the first time in eight straight division championships and post-season appearances that it would go back to 2013, and Gonzalez responded after his hands doubled in the next game, like mouse ears.

Of course, the season that Yazeel Puyk showed and “play the game the right way” characterize a series of connections, the beginning of a five-season frenzy – or at least annoying opponents. Dodger players defended Puig’s bat flips and instructions.

In fact, the initial feeling that they were not there came to us if we focused. During that Dodgers-Cardinals series at a news conference someone asked Zack Crank, who was not significantly filtered, if there was an issue that was a pitcher against him “if anyone showed so much enthusiasm”.

Grenke’s response: “No, no comment, because he’s on my team.”

Now the script is completely flipped.

This Dodgers-Peters series may not be the total difference to the youthful excitement and senior politician’s annoyance, but we got a taste of when San Diego’s Trend Grisham rolled his bat and shouted at his own garden during their final regular season at Petco Park. Before the start of the first base when Clayton knocked down Kershaw. The Dodgers considered that insult and teasing in Grisham, and Patre responded kindly when jogging home from third place.

(I.e., the first game of those three games. The Dodgers provoked the Patrice in the next two and won the NL Division Series on Tuesday night and Tuesday night at 12, with 10 of their final 12 appearances in the regular season and two straight to the Milwaukee in the wild card series. It is safe to say that attracted.)

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We don’t need that incident to add too much spice to the growing rivalry between the two strong clubs. The 1982 war of words between Tom Lazorda and Patrice Kurt Bevagova will be remembered by those with truly long memories. You can find Lazorda’s memorable response on YouTube, but make sure impressive young people close their ears.

During Patrice’s wild card series with St. Louis, she appeared in pictures of her team at the 1984 World Series on the Cutout Home Plate seats in Bevaca. Too bad, we can’t keep the cutouts of Beaugua and Lazarda in Arlington close during this series.

From one end, at least, it has been a competition for many years. Patres fans hate Dodgers, in fact, LA and a “bring it home” chargers posted on their official Twitter account last week, giving Dean Spanos and San Diego another reason to train on his system, they don’t need it.

Dodger fans? As we mentioned earlier they have trolled San Diego all these years by showing up in such large numbers at Petco Park. Now that the Patresses seem to have a product worthy of the support of their community, it will be interesting to see how many of those venues are available to Dodgers believers when they finally allow visitors back.

That aside, Dodger fans see the Giants as the main contender and the Astros as the subject of their current intense hatred. Until now they have not really thought much of Patrice. But, as we said, things are changing. Sometimes it takes a post-season fit to bring it to another level.

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As for the real nuts and bolts of the series, the unknown factors in the series for San Diego were Dinelson Lamet and Mike Clevinger. Learning on Tuesday was not good for San Diego. Lamet, the talented right-handed player who preceded Kershaw at Betco on September 14 – let’s call this the Grisham game – was dropped from the Patres Division Series list because the tendinitis in his right hand had not healed enough.

“He hasn’t been to that place in the last few days, where we felt he was ready to be a part of this list with the whole trip,” Peters General Manager A.J. Peller told the Zoom conference on Tuesday afternoon.

Then Clevinger lasted an inning and two pitches Second – a total of 24 pitches – before leaving Game 1, the obstacles in his forearm would burn again.

Not surprisingly, Dave Roberts was already expecting at least one bullshit game from Patrice in the series. San Diego has 10 reliefs on its division series list, and their arms and shoulders may all be hanging at the end. Remember. San Diego Relief has acquired 63 shares out of 81 outs in the Cardinals series.

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