A distant blue star is one of the most intense exoplanets known to science

A distant blue star is one of the most intense exoplanets known to science

The newly installed CHEOPS space telescope has completed the first observations of a spacecraft, discovering some fascinating new details about the extremely hot Jupiter known as WASP-189b.

Hot Jupiter Jupiter-like exoplanets are located close to their host stars, hence their name. Ultra-hot Jupiters are basically the same thing, but, as you might guess, they are still hot. Back in 2018, astronomers use the ground-based WASP-South telescope in South Africa Found A very hot Thursday called WASP-189b, unlike anything seen before.

Two years later, using the brand-spanking-new Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite (CHEOPS) space telescope, astronomers are seeing this celestial wonder with new eyes, refining what we know about this extraordinary exoplanet, while at the same time the European spacecraft is doing the astronomical spacecraft. Started.

In fact, CHEOPS is “very accurate” compared to ground-based telescopes, explained Monica Lendl, an astronomer at the University of Geneva and lead author of a new study in an email. “Because CHEOPS observes from space, it does not need to see the Earth’s atmosphere, so light is not disturbed by wind turbulence.”

The collaboration between the European Space Agency and the Swiss Space Office is designed only to detect and observe exoplanets, by detecting dips in the brightness of a star – a possible sign of passing an exoplanet (i.e. detecting the mode of transport). Like WASP-189b, CHEOPS will inspect previously discovered exoplanets.

“Syops has a unique ‘follow-up’ role in studying such foreign airlines,” said Kate Isaac, ESA’s CHEOPS project scientist and co – author of the new study. “It will look for traces of planets discovered from the ground and, where possible, more accurately measure the sizes of planets already known to transcend their host stars.”

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A new one Paper The first systematic investigation of the space telescope has been published for astronomy and astronomy.

WASP-189b is located 322 light-years away in the Libra galaxy of the Southern Hemisphere. This extremely hot Jupiter is in tight orbit around the A-type star HD 133112, which glows blue. Exoplanet, just 7.5 million km from its host star, takes just 2.7 days to form a complete orbit. Considering this convenient arrangement – about 5% of the Earth’s distance from the Sun – the WASP-189b is very hot, with new CHEOPS data refining previous estimates.

Image: E.S.A.

The temperature of WASP-189b is really hard to find because this gas giant is so bright that it causes conflicting data between itself and its host star. To look around, Lent and his colleagues waited for the occult, in which the planets move behind our host stars in our perspective (as opposed to the mode of transport). This allowed scientists to accurately detect the brightness of the exoplanet and, as a result, take its temperature.

“The WASP-189b is one of the hottest gas giants known,” Lendl said. “With CHEOPS, we were able to determine the brightness of the planet’s daylight, and we found that the light it emits corresponds to a planet with a temperature of about 3,200 degrees Celsius.”

It is serious; Our sun is 2,000 degrees Celsius hotter than this annoying exoplanet. In fact, the WASP-189b is actually hotter than some red dwarf stars, which cook at temperatures below 3,000 degrees. There is basically no chance of life on this planet because even iron turns into gas at this peak.

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Some planets are known for this heat. WASP-189b is the brightest hot Jupiter known to scientists.

The researchers refined the mass of Exoplanet, which was found to be almost twice as heavy as Jupiter. They updated the diameter of the WASP-189b, which is 1.6 Jupiter wide or 224,000 km, slightly larger than previous calculations.

Scientists have also noticed that the star HD133112 is not exactly circular – it’s actually a kind of squishy, ​​swollen equator, which is cooler compared to the polar regions. The rapid spin of the star and the resulting centrifugal wave forces contribute to its odd shape, note the authors in the study.

Interestingly, WASP-189b has an oblique orbit, meaning it does not match the star’s equatorial plane. In fact, that’s it In fact Malformed, zooming above the polar regions of the star. This is an important observation because it means that the exoplanet formed a long distance and then slowly moved inward over time. Researchers speculate that this migration toward the host star may have been due to the gravitational influence of other planets in the same system or the influence of another star.

Following the completion of WASP-189b’s observations, CHEOPS will now turn its attention to hundreds of other foreign airlines and their host stars, which will further control their mass, size and orbit. As this initial investigation clarifies, we can expect more from this amazing new space telescope.

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