Democrats' reaction to Trump's tax revenue statement: NPR

Democrats’ reaction to Trump’s tax revenue statement: NPR

A New York Times They believe the story describing how little President Trump has paid in income taxes will be a powerful campaign message for Democrats.

Carolyn Coaster / A.P.

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Carolyn Coaster / A.P.

A New York Times They believe the story describing how much President Trump has paid in income taxes will be a powerful campaign message for Democrats.

Carolyn Coaster / A.P.

Democrats have wasted little time in responding The New York Times’ The bombshell is that in 2016 and 2017 President Trump paid just $ 750 in federal income taxes.

The New York Times The report provides a window into the extraordinary measures used by President Trump to play with the tax code and avoid a fair share of taxes, while at the same time hard-working Americans, “said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, de-Calif.

“This is a sign of President Trump’s hatred of working families in the United States. He spent many years abusing the tax code while executing a GOP tax fraud for the rich, which benefits the richest 1% to 83%,” he added.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, DNY, tweeted, “If you pay more on federal income taxes than President Trump, raise your hand.”

And Representative Alexandria Occasio-Cortes, DNY.

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The report adds a new element to the remarkably stable presidential race, according to the poll, which shows Democratic nominee Joe Biden getting closer to double digits than Trump on a national front.

The Biden campaign quickly went viral, posting a video ad on Twitter claiming that the average tax paid by teachers, firefighters and nurses was more than $ 750.

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