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Govt restrictions in the UK will be stricter if the rules are not followed, Matt Hancock warned, as the government imposes a $ 10,000 fine on people who fail to self-isolate.
Health Secretary Andrew Marr told the BBC: “The country is facing a crucial point and we have a choice.”
“If everyone follows the rules, further national locking can be avoided.”
The Prime Minister is considering a ban on mixing homes and is expected to reduce opening hours for pubs.
Asked if England could face another national lockout, Mr Hancock said: “I do not reject it, I do not want to see it.”
In a BBC interview, he also:
- He said he would call the police on people who refused to isolate themselves
- The government exaggerates and denies that given deaths and hospital admissions are relatively low
- He said there is still hope that a vaccine will be available “over the line” this year
P.M. The move, considered by Boris Johnson, could take the form of a two-week mini lockdown in the UK – referred to as a “circuit breaker” – aimed at curbing the upsurge in recent events.
As of Sunday, there were 3,899 new Covid 19 cases and 18 deaths Reported in the UK.
In the meantime, Visitors have come to Blackpool this weekend, Despite police warning of a “last bombing” at the resort on Tuesday before stricter restrictions take effect in the rest of Lancashire.
- London ‘likes’ Covit-19 with hotspots
- Can a ‘circuit break’ stop the second cov wave?
Those in the UK who refuse a self-isolation order could face fines ranging from September 28 to 10,000.
The new legal requirement is that people should be self-isolated if tested positive for the corona virus or found to be closely related.
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The new measures include a $ 500 support for low-income earners and fines for employers who punish those who are said to be self-isolated.
The fine will initially rise from £ 1,000 to 10,000 for repeat offenders, and will start for “worst offenses”.
Until now, counseling for self-isolation has been the only guideline.
More than 19,000 fines have been imposed in the UK and Wales for violating corona virus laws, the attorney general said earlier this week, but more than half have not been paid yet.
The idea of introducing fines is well on paper, with only one in five believed to be completely isolated when needed.
But there is genuine concern that this could have an unintended effect – and encourages people to take calls from testing or contact tracers first.
In terms of lost income and job security (even with £ 500 allowances) self-isolation can be costly for some.
Concerns are now growing among experts – both government advisers and outsiders – about the path ministers will take.
At first, sending the message is confusing.
For a minute the public is told to eat out to help out and come back into the office, and then they are told to control mixing, and not one of more than six groups.
There is also a growing sense that the public is getting tired of the war to control the virus.
The idea of preventing the spread of the virus to unleash the NHS was rampant in the spring.
But what is the purpose of not having too much of the NHS now? Suppressing a virus that cannot be clearly suppressed without a great expense to society?
As government adviser Professor Robert Dingwal said last week, the virus is here “forever and ever” and the general public may be growing comfortable with the idea that people will die – year after year as they accept that people always die of the flu.
Earlier this week, Boris Johnson told the Sun that “I have never been in favor of a culture of ambush” and that people should speak out before reporting Govt violators to the police.
In contrast, Mr Hancock told his neighbor that he would call them if they broke the rules, saying it was “absolutely necessary” to break the exchange chains.
Asked if the government’s response was exaggerated as corona virus death rates were still low, Mr Hancock said the number of people admitted to the hospital was increasing and the death toll would continue to rise.
He said he was “very concerned” about the latest data suggesting that without effective action, the UK could be on the same path as Spain and France, with an increasing number of deaths and hospital admissions.
“We have seen in other countries when the case rate is increasing, the next thing to do is shoot the numbers going to the hospital,” he said.
“Unfortunately, we ‘ve seen that upsurge, which doubles every eight days – people go to the hospital – and then, with one setback, you see the number of people dying tragically rising.”
It is worth comparing the UK with Spain – the number of cases is increasing – and Belgium – seems to have reversed an upward trend – “one warns, the other gives us confidence,” he said.
Currently, large areas of the UK, where cases are on the rise, are living under strict local restrictions. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned that London may be next.
Speaking to the mayor this weekend, Mr Hancock told the Times radio He does not rule out the possibility of being told by Londoners this week to avoid travel Return to work from home.
Mr Hancock said he hoped a vaccine would be ready by the end of this year.
“We’ve got cavalry coming in the next few months – improvements in vaccination, mass testing and treatment – but we have to follow the rules now and then to keep everyone safe,” he said.
Labor leader Sir Khair Stormer backed the BBC’s new fines, saying it was important to take action against those who did not comply.
He also said he would support future locking up to strengthen the government’s message.
“In the end it’s not about party politics, it’s about getting the nation through this virus,” he added.
The UK government hopes the new fine will be repeated In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – everyone has the power to set their own corona virus rules.
At a glance: What are the new rules?
- Those in the UK are said to be self-isolated by the NHS test and trace face 1,000 fine – up to £ 10,000 for aggravated offenses – If they fail to do so
- This Positive testers are also included And Identified as close contacts Confirmed cases
- It Including employers Who compels employees to disregard the order of self-isolation
- NHS testing and tracking Regular contact with isolators Check for compatibility
- Activities Apply by September 28th And will be Operated by police and local authorities
- Privileges or those on low incomes and unable to work from home You can pay 500 once If self-isolated
- Life Sciences: Responsible for the most successful Covid 19 vaccination programs in the world
- Your job, your money: Financial assistance if you feel compelled to isolate
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