cyberpunk 2077 pc

A window into the PC requirements of Cyberbunk 2077 in the future

Wondering if your PC can play Cyberpunk 2077 With one Thousand dollars and upgrade? Answer It depends.

Officer Cyberpunk 2077 CD Project Red’s science fiction has finally confirmed the minimum and recommended requirements for RPG. If you are wondering if you need to upgrade, it depends on how consistent your system is.

The first interesting note is that, at the very least, the CD project recommends Cyberpunk 2077 Installed on an SSD. The minimum requirements are “70GB HDD”, but immediately add “SSD Recommended”. It is basically the code “This game runs on regular disk drive, but seriously, do not”.

This is interesting because if the SSD does That Much different even for the minimum PC spec, how are the current Zen Xbox and PlayStation consoles going to pay? Both the basic Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are fitted with slow-ass drive drives, as well as the Mid-Gen One X and PS4 Pro updates. Some fans have customized their consoles with hybrid drives Or the largest SSDs. The difference is not traditional That Massively, this is definitely not worth doing close to the PS5 and Xbox Series S / X release.

So if you are looking for reasons to justify trading on your old consoles for the next General, Cyberpunk 2077It may be due to performance to do so. But there is another interesting note on the PC side. 12GB RAM is the recommended specification for PCs, which can be a problem Nearly 40 percent of PCs with 8GB of RAM or less have steam.

Recommends owning a CD project One On the GTX 1060 – the most recent GPU – or at least an AMD Radeon R9 Fury. They are cards from 2015 and 2016 respectively –The R9 Fury was mostly benched against the GTX 980D.

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If you need everything in text form, here it is:

Cyberbunk 2077 Minimum PC Requirements

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU: i5-3570K / AMD FX-8310
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • GPU: GTX 780 3GB or RX470
  • Hard Disk: 70GB (SSD Recommended)

Cyberbunk 2077 Recommended PC Requirements

  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU: i7-4790 / Ryzen 3 3200G APU
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • GPU: GTX 1060 6GB / AMD R9 Fury
  • Hard Disk: 70GB SSD

RTX 3070, 3080 or 3090 – or people who have taken 20-series cards in a panic sale – this would definitely be good for anyone. But those with intermittent AMD cards RX 5700 XT You have to do well, however, whether you will be paired with 1080p or 1440p is another question.

For those on older PC rigs that do not have SSDs will be a real kick. It is something to check when Cyberpunk 2077 Starting in November: How much data does the game stream at any given time, and are there any performance benefits with NVM drives and regular SSTs?

Conventional disk drive – and how difficult is the experience on basic consoles? Let’s find out coming on November 19th.

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