Google fixes that audio dropout problem in pixel butt

Google fixes that audio dropout problem in pixel butt

google pixel buds2

Google Pixel Butt users may have recently noticed annoyance with their audio. Thanks to the latest update the audio will come out every minute and 50 seconds. Fortunately, this deep specific error finds a solution.

Second-generation Pixel Butts prevent Apple issues from being first released on Apple. For example, Our American critic He enjoyed a faint hissing sound with his partner. I personally do not have this problem, but I can attest to audio drop outs from day one. But this most recent bug is a product of the most recent firmware update.

As a result, users find that their audio cuts off anything they hear every 1 minute and 50 seconds. Fortunately, Google has fixed this issue and a bug fix is ​​coming in the v552 update.

“Thank you to everyone who announced the audio playback every 1 minute 50 seconds that they enjoy audio cutouts. The team has examined the bug and identified a bug that is now coming out in the firmware update v552, ”a Google spokesman said. Support site.

According to Google, this is the only change provided in the update.

How to get pixel butt firmware updates

If you do not know how to get the firmware update, we have got your support.

  • Make sure you have the Pixel Butts app installed (you will need an Android device running Android Marshmallow or higher)
  • Default updates will be enabled by default when you connect the Pixel Butts to your device once you receive the app.
  • If an update is available, it will be converted to pixel buds the next time you use them with your pair of devices. This may take up to 10 minutes, but you can use them in no time.
  • You can check if you have the latest update by going Settings Then More settings Then Software update In use. If nothing else you are all up to date.
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