The Arctic Circle is on fire worse than ever

The Copernican Atmospheric Surveillance Service (CAMS) says more than 100 plazas are tearing up northern Russia, the Arctic Ocean and northern Canada and Alaska. (ECMWF Copernicus)
More than 100 blazes are torn across Northern parts of Russia, Arctic Ocean and Northern Canada And Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS), the European Union’s Earth observation body, says Alaska.
Data from CAMS scientists That said this week, When the initial spark points are difficult to determine, there may be some blaze It started with “Zombie Fire” At the beginning of the year smoking under land or sea ice then broke the surface and caused further disaster.
Environmental emergency It has already released more dangerous carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other recorded year, resulting in at least 244 megatons of gas contributing to global warming this year alone.

“The Arctic fire burning from mid-June with high activity broke the 2019 record in terms of the amount and intensity reflected in the already estimated CO2 emissions,” said CAMS senior scientist Mark Barrington.

That figure would be catastrophic for the Arctic Circle, which will be particularly severely affected by 2020 Serious climate change.

In July, international scientists released a study that said the greenhouse effect increased the region’s chances of sustained warming by at least 600 times.

Scientists from the United Kingdom, Russia, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland have found that the prolonged heat wave that will hit Siberia this year, once every 80,000 years, will be “effectively impossible without human influence” without climate change.

The University of Colorado’s National Ice and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) showed that by 2020, the sea ice mass of the Siberian Arctic was lower than in any other year since 1979, and had not decreased so quickly in terms of natural ice and melting cycles.

Those cycles, as depicted by the NSIDC, typically show Arctic ice melting between July and November, although this year’s snow began to clear from early May to early June due to high temperatures and wildfires.

This month the fire has produced smoke equivalent to one-third of Canada’s land area and is capable of traveling hundreds of thousands of kilometers by air, Games researchers said.

“The frequency of high-intensity wildfires is increasing, which is one of the biggest risk factors for hot and dry conditions as a result of extreme weather conditions driven by climate change,” Games said in a statement yesterday.

“In addition, wildfires cause much greater air pollution than industrial emissions because they form a mixture of particles, carbon monoxide and other pollutants.”

Across the Arctic Circle you can see gap cracks between large particles of ice that stretch for kilometers. (AWI – Stephen Grabner)

Between Canada and Russia, that environmental catastrophe is that the North Pole ice sheet has melted so much this year that it has eroded.

The island in the Arctic Circle is not new.

They usually occur between May and October and between July and August, although this year is different because the most damaging plaques appeared to ignite in early June.

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