Breakthrough reduces the search for intelligent life in the Milky Way

Breakthrough reduces the search for intelligent life in the Milky Way

Breakthrough reduces the search for intelligent life in the Milky Way

Credit: University of Manchester

A team from the University of Manchester has discovered an analytical breakthrough that could significantly improve the chances of discovering extraterrestrial life in our galaxy.

In new research published today Monthly Announcements of the Royal Astronomical Society, The researchers demonstrate a re-analysis of existing data, which marks a new milestone in the Additional Terrain Intelligence Search (SETI).

The Joint Research Group has expanded the search dramatically Extra landscape life Increases the number of stars analyzed by more than 200 factors from 1,400 to 280,000.

As a result, less than 0.04% of star systems in 214th century humans are capable of hosting advanced civilizations with equivalent or slightly advanced radio technology. As well as improving limits Nearby stars, For the first time the group actually has limits, holding more distant stars with the warning that more powerful transmitters will be needed to detect any possible life forms that inhabit the outer limits of the galaxy.

Analysis, researchers say, can only detect the intelligent and technologically advanced civilizations in use Radio waves A kind of communication — for example, they could not find “simple” life or non-technological civilizations.

Credit: University of Manchester

The team was made up of Masters student Bart Volodymyr-Sroka and his consultant Professor Michael Garrett at the University of Manchester in the UK and Dr. Andrew Siemen, director of the Brigard Liston Initiative. Synthetic radio transmitters known as techno-signatures in the Milky Way.

Using a table prepared by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Kia spacecraft that measures distances of more than a billion stars, researchers have recalculated the limits for the transmission of transmitters around extra stars into the radio telescope’s field of view. By selecting stars farther away (up to about 33,000 light years) than the original model of nearby stars, they were able to expand the number of stars they studied from 1,327 to 288,315.

In addition to the main target, team leader Mike Garrett has always been concerned that SETI searches usually do not take into account many cosmic objects that fall within the boundaries of the telescope-sensitive sky. According to Garrett, Kia has changed all that: “Knowing the locations and distances for these additional sources greatly enhances our ability to control the spread of terrestrial intelligence beyond our own galaxy. Future Chetti studies to make better use of this approach.”

“Our results help to set meaningful limits for the proliferation of transmitters that can be compared to what we can build using twenty-first century technology,” Volodorsik-Sroka noted.

“We now know that fewer than 1600 stars are closer than 330 Light years Host transmitters are a few times more powerful than the powerful radar we have on Earth. Worlds inhabited by people with more powerful transmitters than we can currently produce should still be rare. “

The number of stars studied has enabled Volodorsic-Sroka to set the strictest limits to date on the distribution of powerful radio transmitters in this region of our galaxy. In addition, for the first time, the team was able to do this as a function of the star type – not only the wide-ranging main-sequence stars in the extended model, but also the numerous giants. Stars And white dwarves.

Astronomers identify 18 metal-poor stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy

More info:
Breakthrough Expansion Ask nearby Star Survey for other star objects in the field, arXiv: 2006.09756 [astro-ph.IM]

Quote: Breakthrough Reduces Smart Life Search in the Milky Way (2020, September 2) Retrieved September 2, 2020 from

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