NASA Says Asteroid Is Headed for Earth Just Before Election

NASA Suggests Asteroid Is Headed for Earth Just Just before Election

November 2, 2020?
Picture: Science Picture Library – ANDRZEJ /Getty Pictures

More and more, when I contemplate the truth that we are a mere two months and modify away from just one of (if not the) most pivotal and precarious elections in the nation’s historical past, I have to pause what I am undertaking to accommodate major respiratory small shrill screams and sitting down in the shower. The stakes are precipitous and the memories of Election Night 2016 eerily contemporary. Bludgeon me, I whisper to The Universe in these moments. Do no matter what you have to do, just do not make me check out the returns once more.

Please know, an asteroid careening into Earth the working day just before the 2020 election is not what I had in mind, and I am sorry. I was wondering something more alongside the strains of a extensive conveniently timed sleep, or remaining jammed into the fish tube and jettisoned into 2021/oblivion. But according to CNN, a possible effects event is what we are finding instead. The odds of collision are slender, but nevertheless.

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