Coronavirus Blocking Guidelines: New Maharashtra Blocking Guidelines: What is allowed, what is not

New Maharashtra Blocking Guidelines: What is Allowed, What is Not

Closure Guidelines: The Maharashtra government has allowed outdoor physical activities since June 3.

New Delhi:

The Maharashtra government issued guidelines today by extending the coronavirus blockade until June 30 and easing some restrictions. This occurs after Maharashtra reissued detailed guidelines sent by the center to be followed at government offices. The state gave a boost to what it called “Mission Begin Again.”

This is what will be allowed in Maharashtra from June 3:

Phase I (with effect from June 3, 2020)

me. Outdoor physical activities.
Individual physical exercises such as cycling / jogging / running / walking will be allowed in open public spaces, including beaches, public / private play areas, company / institutional grounds, gardens and walks with the following conditions. Activities will not be allowed in the interior or covered stadium.

one) This will be allowed between 5 a.m. and 7 p.m.
2) Group activities will not be allowed. However, children must be accompanied by an adult.
3) People are recommended to stay outside only for the purpose of physical activity for a limited time.
4) No other activity is allowed.
5) People are allowed to use only nearby / neighborhood open spaces. Long distance trips will not be allowed.
6) People are advised to avoid crowded open spaces.

ii) Activities related to independent workers such as plumbers, electricians, pest control and technicians with social distancing standards and the use of masks and disinfection.
iii) Garages to repair vehicles and workshops with previous appointments.

iv. All government offices (excluding emergency, health and medicine, treasury, disaster management, police, NIC, civilian food and supplies, FCI, NYK, municipal services that can operate at levels as needed) will operate at 15% or less. 15 employees, whichever is more.

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Phase II (effective June 5, 2020)

me. All markets, market areas and stores, except shopping malls and market complexes, can operate on a P1-P2 basis (stores on one side of the road / lane / passage will open on odd dates, while stores on the other side on even dates) from 9 am at 5 p.m. with the following conditions.
one) The use of test rooms in stores for clothing, clothing and similar items to prevent the spread of infection will not be permitted. Similarly, no exchange or return policies will be allowed.
2) Merchants will be responsible for ensuring social distancing standards in stores and are encouraged to take measures such as foot-marks on the floor, token system, home delivery, etc.
3) People are advised to walk / use cycles to shop and to use nearby / neighboring markets as much as possible. Long distance travel for non-essential items will not be allowed. The use of motorized vehicles for shopping will be strictly discouraged.
4) If any failure in social distancing is observed, the authorities will immediately close such stores / markets.

The movement of people is allowed as follows:
Taxi / Cab / Aggregator – Essential 1 + 2 only
Rickshaw: 1 + 2 essential only
Four wheels: essential 1 + 2 only
Two wheels: only one essential rider

Phase III (with effect from June 8, 2020)

me. All private offices can operate with up to 10% strength as required, with the rest of the people working from home. However, all employers will take awareness programs to educate employees to take appropriate precautions when returning home so that the vulnerable group, especially the elderly, is not infected.

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This is what will not be allowed in Maharashtra:

me. Schools, colleges, educational institutions, training, coaching, etc.
ii) International passenger air travel, except as permitted by MHA.
iii) Subway lane.
iv. Movement of passengers by national train and air travel unless specifically permitted through separate orders and standard operating procedures (SOP)
v. Movie theaters, gyms, swimming pools, amusement parks, theaters, bars and auditoriums, function rooms, and the like.
saw. Social / political / sports / entertainment / academic / cultural / religious functions and large congregations.
vii. Religious places / places of worship for public
viii. Hairdressers, spas, salons, beauty salons.
ix. Shopping malls, hotels, restaurants and other hospitality services.


The guidelines came a day after the Center announced the fifth phase of closure, which will continue until the end of June. This time, the Center has come up with a phased plan to open up the economy and public life.

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