Towards a test for the Trump system? A large jury meeting to decide

Vers un procès pour la Trump Organization ? Un grand jury se réunit pour trancher

When asked by AFP, attorney Cyrus Vance’s spokesman declined to comment.

According to the Washington Post, jurors were recently elected and meet three days a week for six months to review documents in the case.

Under U.S. criminal law, significant cases are often referred to a large arbitral tribunal, which is made up of members of civil society, such as jurors at regular hearings.

The Grand Arbitrator examines the file in secret and may request additional documents or hear one or more witnesses.

At the end of the examination, the majority decides whether there are reasons for the accusation and whether there is a prelude to an investigation, but it is not unanimously necessary.

The Constitution of the Grand Arbitration Tribunal indicates that Advocate Vance believes that he has sufficient evidence to proceed with the trial.

Cyrus Vance has been investigating since 2019 the possible accounting manipulations of the Trump organization, the holding company of Donald Trump, which manages all its interests.

The Manhattan attorney is primarily trying to determine whether the group artificially inflated the value of its assets in order to obtain larger loans, while at the same time pouring them into its tax revenue to reduce taxes.

If Cyrus Vance is really getting an accusation, it has not been established that it is Donald Trump. This could keep the Trump organization as a legitimate person or an associate of the former US president.

According to several American media outlets, the Manhattan Attorney’s Office recently loyal to Donald Trump over Alan Weiselberg, the Trump organization’s finance director.

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