NASA sees Wilfred decomposing in a tank

NASA sees Wilfred decomposing in a tank


Credit: CC0 Public Domain

The former tropical storm Wilfred weakened in the mid-Atlantic Ocean and provided a visible image after NASA-Nova’s Sumomi NBP satellite became a low-pressure tank or elongated part.

At 11pm on Sunday, September 20, EDT, NOAA’s National Hurricane Center released their final advice on Wilfred. Wilfried decomposed into a tank of low or long sections of low pressure. At the time, Wilfred’s remains were located 15.9 degrees north latitude and 47.4 degrees west longitude. The remnants were moving west near 17 miles (28 km), and this general movement was to continue for the next day or two.

The maximum lasting wind was at 35 mph (55 km / h) and forecasts are expected to continue to decrease over the next two days.

Northwest Vertical wind cut Continued to have an impact on Wilfried. Infrared satellite imagery with a scatorometer (Wind) The data indicate that Wilfred’s low-level cycle has become an open tank of low pressure. So, Wilfried is no longer a tropical cyclone.

On September 20, the infrared imaging radiometer suite (VIIRS) instrument captured on board NASA-Nova’s Sumomi NBP satellite was captured. Visible image Because Wilfried opened up to a shorter length area Pressure In the central North Atlantic Ocean. The growth with the remaining thunder had a linear shape. The storms appear to be the result of the system’s contact with an overhead tank located to its northwest.

Move westward at a slightly slower forward speed until the tank weakens and disintegrates in a few days.

NASA is researching tropical cyclones

Hurricanes / tropical cyclones are the most powerful weather events on Earth. NASA’s expertise in space and scientific research contributes to essential services provided to the American people by other federal agencies, such as hurricane weather forecasting.

For more than five decades, NASA has been using the space point to understand and explore our home planet, improve life, and secure our future. NASA combines technology, science and unique global Earth observations to deliver social benefits and strengthen our nation. The advanced knowledge of our home planet contributes directly to America’s leadership in space Scientific research.

NASA confirms the development of tropical storm Wilfred, which ends the hurricane list

Quote: NASA finds Wilfred decaying in a tank (2020, September 21) Retrieved from 21 September 2020

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