How do they compare, what is the best value

The 2020 console war is unlike any other.

War is not only won in the horsepower or exclusivity of a box, but in value.

Microsoft’s consumer friendly Game The Boss Sony is forced to respond.

This week, Sony announced PlayStation Collection; The library of 18 of the best PS4 titles is available in a day PlayStation Plus Subscribers PS5.

Both services are not the same in price or content. What is the highest bang for your buck?

Both the Xbox and PlayStation charge the same price to play online: in Australia. 79.99.

Subscribe, excluding special offers Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (Includes Xbox Live Gold) Costs 95 15.95 per month.

Hollow Infinite is available on Xbox Game Pass.
Hollow Infinite is available on Xbox Game Pass. (Provided)

1 191.40 per year, 1 111.41 extra per year to access the game pass.

The PlayStation Collection Included with PlayStation Plus At extra cost.

The PlayStation Collection Start with 18 PS4 titles.

Xbox Game Boss Each first-party Xbox Series X title, such as Hollow Infinite, Avov and Fable, offers free access to more than 100 titles from Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Below are the best 18 PlayStation offerings on the Xbox.

PlayStation Collection

  • God of War
  • Our last: Modified
  • Unmarked 4: The end of a thief
  • Battlefield 1
  • Monster Hunter World
  • Fallout4
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • The Last Guardian
  • Ratchet and Klang
  • Infamous: Second son
  • The days went by
  • Blood
  • DETROID: Be human
  • Death Combat X
  • Person5
  • Until dawn
  • Citizen Evil: Biohart
  • Batman Arkham Knight

Two game features on both services: Citizen Evil: Biohart And Batman Arkham Knight.

Xbox Game Boss Size clearly wins, but how

Xbox Banks makes great value from its upcoming exclusions Hollow is infinite And E.A. with massive titles such as FIFA and Madden. Available in addition to Play Game The Boss The first day.

God of War is the first-ranked PlayStation collection game on Metacritic.
God of War is the number one PlayStation collection game on Metacritic. (Provided)

But when it stands, Xbox 100+ is many Game The Boss Titles Small Indies or Xbox One Titles.

Xbox Game Boss It’s very expensive, but it’s more games (of different quality), available on more platforms and promises some great additions – Sony’s PlayStation Collection A love letter to the PlayStation 4

Not to say they are bad games, but many older or current generation AAA titles have no appeal.

Here are the first 18 comparisons with Metacritic:

PlayStation Collection


God of War

Our last: Modified

Unmarked 4: The end of a thief

Battlefield 1

Monster Hunter World


Final Fantasy XV

The Last Guardian

Ratchet and Klang

Infamous: Second son

The days went by


DETROID: Be human

Death Combat X


Until dawn

Citizen Evil: Biohart

Batman Arkham Knight



















Average score:


As it stands, the PlayStation 18 has a slightly higher average Metacritic score than the ‘Top-18’ in the Xbox Game Pass.

You can join and enjoy Xbox Game Boss Today on Xbox One, PC and Mobile, they will launch on November 10, 2020 with Series X & S support.

The PlayStation Collection PS5 will be available starting November 12, 2020.

Can you compare apples and oranges?

Xbox Game Boss It’s more expensive, but it has more games (of different quality), is available on more platforms and promises some great additions with new options. Hollow, Myth and E.A. Sports Games on their way.

Of Sony PlayStation Collection A love letter to the PlayStation 4. Extra no-cost bonus, which is a lot for new players and very low for fans who already own first-party exceptions. You will have to pay the full price for all new PS5 games, and there is no guarantee that the PS4 will not miss Swansong Our Last: Part 2 Or Ghosts of Sushima Coming to the stage in the future.

We still don’t know if Ghosts of Dush will come in the PlayStation collection.
We still don’t know if Ghosts of Sushima will come in the PlayStation collection. (Provided)

The split between Microsoft and Sony’s strategy is primary.

Despite the low turnout, Sony believes its heavy hitters are worth adding.

Microsoft is selling its biggest names short, we will change the way we play and play.

Tie enough people to the rope and they will pay more in the long run; The average Xbox One owner buys 6.5 games in this generation.

In the end, it’s a gamble.

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