Find out the worst cities for allergies in the US with our map

As spring arrives, so does the dreaded allergy season for many Americans. With warmer weather and longer days, it also brings pollen counts that can wreak havoc on those with seasonal allergies. This year, allergy season started early and is expected to last longer than in previous years, with pollen seasons now lasting 20 days longer than they did in 1990.

Changes in climate have played a significant role in the increased pollen counts across various regions, particularly in the South, Southeast, and parts of the Midwest. According to recent data, U.S. cities with the highest pollen counts include Denver, Colorado Springs, Dallas, and Virginia Beach. However, Wichita, Kansas, was named the worst city for people with seasonal allergies, followed closely by Virginia Beach, Greenville, and Dallas.

Climate change has not only made allergy seasons longer but also more intense. Cities like Reno and Las Cruces have seen a significant increase in allergy days since 1970, with up to 95 and 65 more days, respectively. Experts warn that higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere can lead to increased pollen production in plants, potentially causing a 200% rise in pollen levels by the end of the century.

Common symptoms of pollen allergies include a runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and swelling. Those suffering from allergies are advised to seek relief from healthcare providers if needed. With allergy season in full swing, it’s essential for individuals to take necessary precautions and seek treatment to alleviate their symptoms.

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