Outsourced fiber is becoming a problem, how can I bring in new wifi for free? Your best reactions to free and telecommunications news

Outsourced fiber is becoming a problem, how can I bring in new wifi for free?  Your best reactions to free and telecommunications news
Outsourced fiber is becoming a problem, how can I bring in new wifi for free?  Your best reactions to free and telecommunications news

The Universe Freebox handles free and telecommunications news and has always been a place where the community can express itself. Sometimes the answers are too funny, or too relevant, but we need to explore the ideas to find the good words of our readers. We offer you our small selection on this “best-off”.

Free and WiFi 6E, the question of “how to do” speaks to free users

Code lines of the message WiFi 6E is mentioned in the version of Freebox OS. Free seems to produce its integration. While Orange and Bouygues Telecom already offer this service, one with a new box and the other with an upgraded version of its existing server, the question arises: how can this be done? Theories abound.

It remains to be seen who would have had a runny nose!

For rigid structure for the use of optical fiber

Ensuring high speed internet access is essential to reduce the digital divide in our country.Says Deputy Mary-Pierre Ricksin (LREM) in the introduction to his speech. It has filed a new bill aimed at streamlining the subcontractor to avoid the frequent lamentation of bad workmanship on optical fiber, both in connection and network maintenance. For the Member of Parliament, this is remarkably good By overseeing the training and reducing the amount of subcontracting. For some, subcontracting at multiple levels should be strictly prohibited and deployment should be very strictly monitored.

After 4 months, the freebox is being updated … for that?

Received Freebox Revolution, Delta, One, mini 4K and Pop servers Updates from last week. However, after such a waiting period, some expected more change in their usage or at least in their experience, but the content of these new firmwares left them confused and even disappointed.

For sports enthusiasts, Amazon plays it fair

During the summer holidays in July, Prime Video does not charge its Ligue 1 Pass subscribers. This weekend, the platform offered OL-Bordeaux competition to all Prime customers. According to some freaks, it is a highly acclaimed gesture to encourage other broadcasters of sporting events.

For a little more ecology, review the rules regarding invoice invoices

The extraordinary circumstance of an orange subscriber challenged our readers to the obvious waste of his operator Warn him at a 5-percent rate. However, some freezers believe the fault is not entirely in orange, but are part of a common problem regulating based on customer information.

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